1. “The Rockies”
Bear is given a tough task of finding civilization within a 5 day period. Without any hunting equipment and nothing to start a fire with, he must attempt to survive the harsh climate.
2. “Moab Desert, Utah”
Bear replicates what it would be like for a lost hiker to survive in the popular extreme sports destination of the Moab Desert. On his travels he comes across some dangerous predators, battle with quicksand, and has to navigate his way through small valleys.
3. “Costa Rican Rain Forest”
Bear shows us how to survive the rainforest of the Osa Peninsula where many people are rescued from each year. To get out alive he needs to scale tall trees, plunge down waterfalls, and fight off the local wildlife.
4. “Alaskan Mountain Range”
The Alaskan Mountain Range is home to many a skiing accident where many lives are lost each year. Bear heads up there to show how it's possible to survive the cold climate if you get into trouble. With the elements and the environment against him, this will be one of his most difficult challenges yet.
5. “Hawaii - Mount Kilauea”
Bear heads to an active volcano where he must carefully traverse over molten lava and deal with dangerous gases. Bear demonstrates how to survive in both the severe heat and the cooler but equally dangerous rainforest.
6. “Sierra Nevada”
Bear shows us how to survive in the surprisingly dangerous mountain range which has seen many people stranded over the years. With an good knowledge of how the local Native Americans used to live, he takes on three different terrains that the Sierra Nevada Mountains have to offer.
7. “African Savanna - Kenya”
Bear travels to Kenya which is one of the few places in the world where you become the hunted rather than the hunter. Bear talks about how to get to your destination using just the stars, and he has to deal with a vast array of deadly creatures that inhabit such a barren environments.
8. “European Alps”
Considering how popular a destination the Alps are, it's a dangerous place for a tourist if you have an accident. Bear shows us how easy it is to survive if you know what you are doing, whether it's making a temporary shelter, or finding sustenance to keep yourself alive.
9. “Desert Island”
Bear lands on a desert island to show how being stranded on one is not as ideal as most people think. Bear walks us through each stage from landing on the island, to finding food and making shelter, to eventually getting off using a hand built raft.
10. “Everglades”
Bear heads to a completely new environment where over 60 people are lost every year, the swamps of the Everglades. Lurking above and below the surface are hundreds of thousands of deadly, vicious animals that Bear needs to be wary of finding.
11. “Iceland”
Bear travels to Iceland to see for himself the area in which many people get rescued from every year. Bear must attempt to stave off hypothermia due to the cold and the extremely powerful blizzards, find water in unlikely sources, and eat some less than appealing meals.
12. “Copper Canyon”
Copper Canyon is Bear's destination where the terrain is rougher and hotter than the Grand Canyon. His aim is to avoid dehydration and to shelter himself from the constant heat that can make life dangerous for anyone stranded in the valleys below.
13. “Kimberly, Australia”
Despite large towns and cities, Australia is still made up of some of the biggest, most barren deserts and wastelands in the world. Harboring multiple species of dangerous animals, Bear teaches about how best to deal with them, where to find food, and that drinking your own urine may be the difference between life and death.
14. “Ecuador”
Bear heads off to one of the largest and most impressive areas of the world - Ecuador - which is the location for both the largest rain forest and the largest mountain range in the world. Although most of the wildlife is small in size, many are just as vicious as larger predators, most notably the deadly piranhas. Using whatever he can find to fashion a bow and arrow he shows us how to catch food and keep the animals at bay.
15. “Cairngorms”
The UK is the location of Cairngorm National Park which is classified as 'arctic', though not many who go there know it. Bear goes back to basics, killing rabbits for food and using deer skin for shelter. He also demonstrates the correct technique for checking snowy slopes for signs a possible avalanche in just one wrong step away.
16. “Bear's Mission Everest Special”
In this special, Bear attempts his most daring mission to date when he tries to fly a paramotor glider above Mt Everest, the world's highest mountain.
17. “Sahara”
Bear Grylls is dropped into the Sahara Desert in Morocco by helicopter. Along the way you can watch him fight the scorching heat, escape from quicksand, and eat scorpions.
18. “Desert Survivor”
The second part of this two-part episode follows Bear Grylls attempt to survive in the hottest place on the planet, the Sahara Desert. In this episode Bear will have to skin and disembowel a camel in an attempt to stay alive. Can he learn to deal with the hardships and the disgusting taste of the camel, or is it too much for him to take?
19. “Panama Part 1”
Panama is the location for a two part lesson in how to deal with a mangrove swamp and how to navigate the viper pits in order to make it out of the dangerous jungle alive.
20. “Panama Part 2”
Bear is still in the Panamanian jungles where he has learns more survival tips from an indigenous tribe, and he also has to eat some rather gruesome meals...
21. “Patagonia”
Bear Grylls is left stranded in Patagonia and teaches you how to survive the rough terrain that is a glacier.
22. “Andes Adventure”
In Patagonia, Bear faces many challenges such as crossing a glacier, working his way through a maze of caves, and searching for food.
23. “Bear Eats”
Bear goes in search of wildlife to eat and it seems there is nothing so gruesome that he isn't willing to try it.
24. “Zambia”
Bear Grylls shows viewers how to survive and navigate Zambia in Southern Africa and also how to stay afloat on some large rapids.
25. “Namibia”
Grylls parachutes into the heart of the Namib desert. He eats a puff adder and encounters the indigenous bushmen.
26. “Ring of Fire Part 1”
Grylls battles the fierce swamps in Sumatra, Indonesia. As he struggles to keep dry and avoid trench foot, he runs into several types of wildlife, including lizards and the deadly mangrove snake. He also comes across the bright blue Lake Kaca in the middle of the Kerinci Seblat National Park.
27. “Ring of Fire Part 1”
Dropped by helicopter, Grylls has to survive on a remote island located in Indonesia. He hunts for stingrays and land crabs while drinking whatever fresh clean rain water he may get. In the end he builds a small raft out of drift wood of bamboo and heads to the sea.
28. “Siberia Part 1”
With temperatures dipping to -50°C, Grylls has to keep warm before hypothermia sets in. He uses snares to catch his food, and a fire to keep warm. He puts up a scenario for the great dangers to walk over a frozen lake, and how to survive without drowning and/or before hypothermia sets in.
29. “Siberia Part 2”
Grylls is in Siberia, learning survival techniques from the Tuvans and, eating raw yak liver as well as drinking its blood for food.
30. “Baja Desert”
Grylls must cross blistering desert and barren salt plains in Mexico's Baja peninsula. While collecting honey Grylls is stung by a bee and his face becomes severely swollen, nearly blinding him.
31. “The Deep South”
Grylls enters the swamps of Louisiana where he kills an alligator with a knife,avoids venomous snakes, and catches a catfish with his bare hands
32. “Ireland”
Grylls jumps from a boat a kilometre off the west coast of Ireland. He travels down the coast before turning inland to cross the bogs. Here he retrieves a sheep carcass from a bog whose skin he uses as a sleeping bag (sheeping bag), a waterproof sack, and a flotation device.
33. “South Dakota”
Grylls is dropped on a granite peak in the Black Hills where he is caught in a thunder storm with inadequate shelter. Down in the plains Grylls encounters a herd of Bison before entering the desolate area known as the Badlands. He demonstrates skills used by the Lakota Indians.
34. “Bear's Essentials”
Bear recaps the best ways to survive in a number of different scenarios. He highlights how to traverse dangerous terrain, fight deadly predators, and find food and water sources where none are apparent.
35. “Belize”
Grylls heads to the jungle where he tackles a boa constrictor, he gets stuck over raging waters, and then he takes to the trees.
36. “Yukon”
Grylls wraps up warm as he heads to the frozen wastelands of North Canada. He goes underground to search an abandoned mine, and he takes to some fast moving water.
37. “Oregon”
Grylls takes on the deepest river based canyon, Hell's Canyon and the dangerous Snake River.
38. “Dominican Republic”
Grylls has some tips on how to survive the hurricane season and he also eats a cooked tarantula to survive. He tells us about the hairs on the tarantula's back legs and how they defend themselves using the hairs.
39. “Turkey”
Grylls heads to Turkey where he deals with dangerous animals and he also takes to the water.
40. “Romania”
Grylls heads to Romania where he takes on a bear and dangerous water channels.
41. “Bear's Ultimate Survival Guide Part One”
Bear provides a guide on how to survive some of the most extreme conditions in the world.
42. “Sweden/Will Ferrell”
Bear heads to Sweden, to a cold and unforgiving area of the country. On his travels he is joined by Will Ferrell.
43. “Arctic Circle”
Grylls goes to the Arctic Circle, where he encounters a frozen waterfall, wild reindeer and some of the coldest conditions on the planet.
44. “Alabama”
Grylls wrestles a pig, squeezes through some tight spots, and survives a forest fire in the swamps of Alabama. It is revealed that Grylls broke his shoulder while in Antarctica two months previously.
45. “Vietnam”
Grylls demonstrates what it was like for soldiers who had to survive in the jungles of Vietnam, during the Vietnam War.
46. “Texas Desert”
In Western Texas, Grylls falls to earth from an upturned biplane into the parched Chihuahuan Desert; he traverses deep gorges, locates an oasis, eats a lizard and takes on a diamond back rattlesnake.
47. “Alaska”
Grylls returns to the wilderness of Alaska to survive the dangerous terrain of the Last Frontier.
48. “Bear's Ultimate Survival Guide Part Two”
Bear presents the second part of his survival guide where he meets up with different tribes to see how they cope with their surroundings, goes face to face with deadly snakes, and he copes with some harsh environments.
49. “The Inside Story”
This special of Man Vs. Wild goes behind the scenes with the people who make the show, where they give their views on travelling with Bear, and there's also a look at how the show is made.
50. “Pacific Island”
Bear is forced to create his own drinkable water and has to take to the ocean on a homemade raft. Once out at sea, he has to give himself an enema.
51. “China”
Bear heads to the jungle where he must deal with stinging ants, dangerous rivers, and also the after effects of a typhoon.
52. “Big Sky Country”
Bear takes to the skies over the Rockies, and uses debris to his advantage in order to survive.
53. “Guatemala”
Bear goes over and under as he lands on a volcano and takes on an underground waterfall, before checking out some Mayan ruins.
54. “Urban Survivor”
Bear takes on a different challenge as he tackles a concrete jungle rather than his usual sparse locations.
55. “Shooting Survival”
Once again the show goes behind the scenes, this time to see through the eyes of the crew that travel with Bear.
56. “North Africa”
Bear feasts on insects and has a close encounter with an octopus as he makes his way across the Sahara Desert to get to the African coastline.
57. “Bear's Top 25 Man Moments”
A special look back on some of Bear's favorite and/or most challenging moments on the series.
58. “Western Pacific”
Bear is stranded on a volcanic island south of Papua New Guinea. To make his escape, he must swim shark infested waters, climb dangerous cliffs and sail a homemade windsurfer.
59. “Northern Australia”
Bear uses the survival tactics of the Aborigines of the tropical Northern Territory Arnhem Land to reach civilization without running afoul of the thousands of crocodiles that have also made the region their home.
60. “Canadian Rockies”
Bear faces some of his most dangerous challenges yet, as he attempts to navigates the Canadian Rockies. He avoids a deadly avalanche and traverses a frozen lake, but a glissade proves to be more than he can manage on this occasion.
61. “Georgia-Eastern Europe”
Bear visits the Caucasus Mountains in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia, where he finds a novel way of crossing a river, avoids becoming a wolf's dinner, and navigates through a featureless marshland.
62. “Fan vs Wild”
Bear brings a pair of his show's fans along for a trek through the Canadian Wilderness, where he teaches them how to safely cross glaciers and icy rivers, build a shelter, and find food in the most unlikely places.
63. “Extreme Desert”
In the Mojave Desert, Bear's crew manufactures a sandstorm so that he can demonstrate how to survive its stinging blasts. Also, he must withstand dramatic temperature changes and make it through a flash flood. He also gets up close and personal with some of the desert's most deadly denizens.
64. “Behind the Wild”
Bear's crew give us another behind the scenes peek at how Bear's adventures are filmed.
65. “Arizona Sky Islands”
In this season premiere, Bear Grylls travels to Arizona, home of the Apache, to demonstrate how to survive in its endless burning deserts and icy mountains.
66. “Cape Wrath, Scotland”
Bear puts his ingenuity to the test making a seal skin into a wetsuit and finding shelter from the harsh elements on Scotland's Cape Wrath.
67. “Norway: Edge of Survival”
This week, Bear and his crew travel to Norway. Equipped with the latest technology, Bear will have to face some of the harshest conditions possible while sensors monitor how he's coping in one of the world's wettest countries.
68. “Borneo Jungle”
Bear braves snakes, leeches, torrential rain and a descent down wet cliffs in Borneo, one of the least explored places left on the planet.
69. “Malaysian Archipelago”
Bear continues his adventure in the Malay Archipelago, hunting wild boar and spearfishing to survive.
70. “Global Survival Guide”
Bear has seen it all, and shown the audience how he does it, sharing tips and techniques that can be lifesavers, whether it's diving with a mask at a desert island, or finding water in a desert. Now in some never before seen footage, Bear lets his viewers in on some more of his survivial secrets.
71. “Men vs. Wild With Jake Gyllenhaal”
In this episode, Bear is joined by movie star Jake Gyllenhaal as he attempts to find his way out of the Icelandic wilderness, doing (and eating) whatever they have to to survive.
72. “New Zealand South Island”
This week Bear braves the remote wilderness of New Zealand's South Island, crossing the country's tallest mountains and attempting to start a fire with wood that is soaking wet.
73. “Iceland: Fire and Ice”
Bear returns to Iceland to demonstrate the challenge of surviving its many pitfalls. His trek begins on an ice cap covering an active volcano, where food sources are scarce and travels down towards a civilization with swollen rivers between him and safety.
74. “Red Rock Country”
Bear treks through Southern Utah's Red Rock Country, after undertaking his most insane airplane insertion ever. Using only a lasso, he descends into a narrow gorge, only to find no good way out of it. Later, he dangles over a 100 ft deep ravine.
75. “New Zealand: Land of the Maori”
Bear returns to New Zealand to get some survival tips from the Maori, the first immigrants to the islands.
76. “Working the Wild”
Bear and his crew give us another behind the scenes look at what it takes to film Man vs Wild.
1. “Burning Vehicle; Boating Accident”
Bear Grylls intervenes during a staged boating accident and demonstrates how to escape from a burning vehicle in the opener of the series detailing the means to survive life-threatening situations.
2. “Downed Powerline; Dog Attack”
Vicious dogs pursue Bear Grylls. Also: what to do when downed power lines trap a car.
3. “Earthquake Escape”
How to escape from a building ravaged by an earthquake.
4. “Sinking Car; Rattlesnake Encounter”
Bear deals with a rattlesnake and a snakebite victim. Also: how to escape from a sinking car.
5. “Car Brakes Fail; Physical Attack”
What to do when car brakes fail; a self-defense demonstration.
6. “Trapped in Extreme Cold”
Bear must escape from a freezer.
7. “Desert Breakdown; Tarantula”
What do to if your vehicle breaks down in the desert. Also: Bear contends with a tarantula.
8. “Elevator Plunge; Blackout”
How to survive in a falling elevator; how to navigate during a blackout.
9. “Mountain Bike Disaster; Run For Your Life”
A cliffside rescue is executed following a bicyclist's mishap; Bear tries to evade two free runners.
10. “Road Rage; Panicked Crowd Stampede”
A road rage scenario has Bear fleeing from an angry driver; a fire at a nightclub has the host trying to keep a woman from being trampled.
11. “Toxic Gas Leak, Man on Fire”
Protecting one's self from a toxic cloud of fumes; Bear rushes to the aid of a man who caught fire at a barbecue.
12. “Home Break In, Terror Threat”
Nighttime intruders; Bear must escape a building after being trapped in a hostile environment.