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Fictionland DVD Store

Services and Facilities information


DVD StoreOpen Hours

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00am - 8:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am - 10:00pm
  • Saturday - Sunday: 9:00am - 11:00pm

PricesOur Price Lists

These are the prices for hiring out DVD's.

  • Overnight Hire: $6.95
  • 3 Night Hire: 14.95
  • Weekly Hire: $3.95

These are the prices of hiring out all new release Games.

  • Overnight Hire: $6.95
  • 3 Night Hire: $10.95
  • Weekly Hire: $14.95

These are the prices of hiring out weekly games.

  • $3.95


Here is a list of items that would go great with a new releast DVD.

  • Coke (2lt): $6.90
  • Coke (1.25lt): $4.98
  • Coke (600ml): $3.98
  • Popcorn: $4.00
  • Alsorted Chips: $2.25 per bag
  • Gummy Bears: $3.50 per bag
  • Snakes Alive: $4.00 per bag
  • Pringles $5.50 each




We repair scratched or damaged DVD's for a low price of $15 per DVD or if you have multiple DVD's need repairing then bring them in and we will repair them for a great price of $25 for every 4 DVD's.

dvd playerDVD Players

We also rent and repair DVD players.


  • Overnight: $15.95
  • 3 nights: $20.95
  • Weekly: $31.91


  • Basic: $25.00
  • Broken Case: $31.55
  • Broken Heads: $45.95
DVD RecorderDVD Recorders

Here a Fictionland DVD Store we also provide the use of our DVD recorders to our clients, only for the weekends.

  • Firday - Sunday: $45.95

Please ensure that when you return our equipment that it is return the same way that we lent it to you.

VCRVCR Players  

Although that VCR players aren't around much that doesn't mean that they used by anyone, these machines do breakdown and when they do where do you go and get them fixed? I'll tell you! Here at Fictionland DVD Strore we don't just rent DVD but we also repair VCR players.

  • Full Repair: $29.95
VHS TapeVHS Tapes

Here a Fictionland DVD Store we also repair all VHS Tapes for our clients. Please ask inside the store for prices on repairs of the VHS Tapes.