Original trilogy
2003. “Bionicle - Mask of Light” September 16, 2003 Terry Shakespeare and David Molina
•Jason Michas as Takua/Takanuva. Portrayed as an inquisitive Ta-Matoran, he is a disguised Av-Matoran (Matoran of Light) destined to become the Toa of Light.
•Andrew Francis as Jaller, the Captain of Ta-Koro's Guard, who is designated as the Herald of the Seventh Toa.
•Scott McNeil as Tahu, Toa of Fire; Onua, Toa of Earth; and Graalok the Ash Bear, a beast from Lewa's domain.
•Dale Wilson as Lewa, Toa of Air; and Turaga Onewa, leader of the Po-Matoran. •Kathleen Barr as Gali, Toa of Water.
•Lee Tockar as the Makuta, the main antagonist; Takutanuva, a being created from the merging of Takanuva and Makuta; and Pewku, Jaller's pet racing crab.
•Christopher Gaze as Turaga Vakama, the leader of the Ta-Matoran.
•Lesley Ewen as Turaga Nokama, the leader of the Ga-Matoran.
•Michael Dobson as Kopaka, the Toa of Ice; Hewkii, a Po-Matoran Kohlii player.
•Trevor Devall as Pohatu, Toa of Stone.
•Chiara Zanni as Hahli, a Ga-Matoran.
•Doc Harris as Kolhii announcer.
•Julian B. Wilson as the Ta-Matoran Guard, and the Rahkshi (vocal effects), mechanical "sons" of Makuta driven by fragments of his being.
The film takes place on a tropical island in the Bionicle universe. According to legend, the Great Spirit Mata Nui created the island's masked Matoran inhabitants. Mata Nui was sent into a coma by his envious spirit brother Makuta, who began a reign of terror over the island. His reign ended when six guardians, known as Toa, freed the island from his regime. The Matoran, alongside the Toa and Turaga leaders, live in Element-themed regions of the island. The events of the film take place during the latter half of the 2003 storyline.

The film starts when two Matoran from the fire village of Ta-Koro called Jaller and Takua discover a Great Kanohi, a Toa mask imbued with Elemental power in a cave, and Takua is rescued from a lava wave by the Fire Toa Tahu. The two Matoran later participate in a multi-tribal game of Kohlii, the island's national sport; the match reveals developing tensions between Tahu and the Water Toa Gali. At the end of the match, the Mask is accidentally revealed and the Turaga recognize its powers. They announce that it heralds the arrival of a seventh Toa destined to defeat Makuta and awaken Mata Nui. Jaller and Takua are sent on a quest to find the Seventh Toa, guided by the Mask. In the meantime, Makuta sends three Rahkshi, beings born from pieces of his own essence, to retrieve the Mask. The Rahkshi invade Ta-Koro in search of the Mask, destroying the village. Tahu is poisoned during the assault, causing his behaviour to become increasingly erratic and worsening his already-strained relationship with Gali.

During their journey together, Jaller and Takua receive aid from the Air Toa Lewa, and the Ice Toa Kopaka, the latter of whom temporarily immobilizes the Rakhshi by trapping them in a frozen lake. During their journey through the mountain tunnels en route to the Earth village of Onu-Koro, Takua wanders away from Jaller and is confronted by Makuta, who threatens to kill Jaller and the rest of the island's inhabitants unless Takua brings him the Mask; Takua then abandons Jaller in an attempt to shield him. Makuta then releases three more Rakhshi, who attack Onu-Koro as Takua arrives. Tahu, Kopaka, Lewa and Gali arrive to help the Earth Toa Onua and the Stone Toa Pohatu. Tahu is further corrupted during the battle and goes insane, forcing the Toa to subdue him and flee. Takua decides to rejoin Jaller, while Gali and the other Toa purge the Rakhshi poison from Tahu, resulting in his reconciliation with Gali.

Arriving at Kini Nui, a great temple at the island's centre, Jaller and Takua are confronted by all six Rahkshi. The six Toa mount a united offensive and defeat five of them, but the surviving Rahkshi attacks Takua. Jaller sacrifices himself to protect his friend, and Jaller's final words prompt Takua to don the Mask of Light; the Mask transforms him into Takanuva, the Toa of Light. Defeating the final Rakhshi, he constructs a craft powered by Kraata, the worm-like creatures inside the Rahkshi to guide him to Makuta. Traveling to his lair beneath Mata Nui, the two hold a Kohlii contest to decide the island's fate. At Takanuva's bidding, the Toa, Turaga and Matoran gather together in the chamber, and witness Takanuva merging with Makuta to form a single powerful being. With Takanuva's willpower dominant, the being raises a gate leading deeper beneath the island, through which the gathered people flee. The being also revives Jaller before the gate collapses on top of it. The Turaga proceed to awaken Mata Nui using the Mask of Light, which in turn revives Takanuva. The film ends with Takanuva discovering the long-dormant city of Metru Nui, the Matoran's original home.

2004. “Bionicle 2 - Legends of Metru Nui” October 19, 2004 Terry Shakespeare and David Molina
•Alessandro Juliani as Toa Vakama, the Toa of Fire, a former mask-maker who sees prophetic visions of the future.
•Christopher Gaze as Turaga Vakama (the narrator)
•Gerard Plunkett as Turaga Dume, the leader of Metru Nui.
•Tabitha St. Germain as Toa Nokama, the Toa of Water, a former teacher who strives to do her duty.
•Michael Dobson as Toa/Turaga Lhikan, a Toa of Fire and former guardian of Metru Nui & Krekka, a powerful but unintelligent Dark Hunter.
•Brian Drummond as Toa Matau, the Toa of Air, a lighthearted former test driver & Toa Onewa, the Toa of Stone, a headstrong and independent former carver.
•Paul Dobson as Toa Whenua, the Toa of Earth with respect for the past & Nidhiki, a former Toa turned Dark Hunter.
•Trevor Devall as Toa Nuju, the Toa of Ice with respect for the future.
•Lee Tockar as Makuta, the main antagonist & Kongu, a Matoran operating the chutes in Metru Nui.
The film begins with Turaga Vakama describing a land that existed before Mata Nui called Metru Nui, where the local Toa heroes fell in battle one by one as a relentless shadow sought to conquer the great city.

Lhikan, the last remaining Toa, travels throughout the entire city, giving Toa stones containing fractions of his own power to six Matoran from each of the city's different regions: Whenua, Nuju, Matau, Onewa, Nokama, and Vakama. After giving the last stone to Vakama, Lhikan is captured by two Dark Hunters, Nidhiki and Krekka. Vakama later meets the other Matoran at the Great Temple in Ga-Metru; there, they are transformed into six new Toa. After Vakama has a vision of Metru Nui's destruction, they all set out to recover the six Great Disks hidden throughout Metru Nui, hoping to prove to Turaga Dume, the city's leader, that they are worthy Toa. However, Dume declares that "simple gifts" will not confirm them as Toa, and puts them to a grueling test instead. When the six fail to pass, Dume denounces them as imposters and unleashes the Vahki, the city's law enforcers, upon them. In the ensuing chaos, Onewa, Nuju, and Whenua are captured while Vakama and the others escape the Coliseum by leaping into the city's chute transport system, with the Dark Hunters in pursuit.

The Dark Hunters force a chute worker to reverse the flow of the chute system, forcing Vakama and the others to abandon the chute system in the ice region of Ko-Metru. They then set out to find the other Toa and Lhikan, whom Vakama believes is still alive. They hitch a ride on a Vahki transport to Po-Metru, where they are ambushed by the Dark Hunters and forced to flee from a herd of Kikanalo beasts. Nokama discovers that her mask allows her to speak and understand foreign languages and persuades the Kikanalo to help them find Lhikan; Matau discovers his mask power of shape-shifting along the way.

Meanwhile, Onewa, Whenua, and Nuju are trying unsuccessfully to escape when they are approached by a mysterious Turaga, who explains that Toa mask powers are needed to escape and teaches them how to activate them. Growing impatient, the Toa argue until Onewa's mind-control and Nuju's telekinesis mask powers activate, and Nuju uses his to create an escape route. Whenua then discovers his mask power of night vision before the four reunite with Vakama, Nokama, and Matau. The Turaga then reveals himself to be Lhikan, who sacrificed his power to turn Vakama and company into Toa. He inquires as to the safety of the 'Heart of Metru Nui', which Vakama believed was Lhikan himself, but is actually the Matoran. Vakama then discovers a small canister that contains the real Dume; the Dume from before was an impostor. Pursued by the Vahki, the Toa, along with Lhikan, set out to stop the false Dume, who has summoned the Matoran to the Coliseum to be placed in canisters to sleep. The false Dume reveals himself to be Makuta in disguise, and plunges the Great Spirit Mata Nui into slumber. The Toa gather as many Matoran capsules as they can and race to escape the crumbling city. On their way out, the Dark Hunters attack them again, but are killed, along with a Nivawk (Makuta's spy), when Makuta absorbs them.

As the group leaves Metru Nui, Vakama creates the legendary Mask of Time, which he unsuccessfully tried to do as a Matoran, from the Great Disks. Makuta pursues Lhikan is killed while protecting Vakama in the ensuing battle. In an anguished rage, Vakama knocks the Mask of Time into the sea and defeats Makuta in combat using his newfound concealment mask power. The Toa combine their powers to seal Makuta in a protodermis prison and move on to the surface, emerging on an island they name 'Mata Nui', in honor of the Great Spirit. There, they sacrifice their Toa power to awaken the Matoran and become Turaga. Vakama gives Lhikan's mask to an injured Matoran named Jaller, to the cheers of the other Matoran and Turaga, and their new lives on Mata Nui begin.

2005. “Bionicle 3 - Web of Shadows” October 11, 2005 Terry Shakespeare and David Molina
•Alessandro Juliani as Toa Vakama •Christopher Gaze as Turaga Vakama (narrator)
•Brian Drummond as Toa Matau & Toa Onewa
•Tabitha St. Germain as Toa Nokama
•Paul Dobson as Toa Whenua & Sidorak
•Trevor Devall as Toa Nuju & Rahaga Iruini
•French Tickner as Rahaga Norik
•Kathleen Barr as Roodaka & Rahaga Gaaki
•Scott McNeil as Keetongu & Rahaga Bomonga
Makuta, the Master of Shadows, is still frozen in his crystal prison following the events of the previous film. A mysterious figure calls out his name, then scratches the prison and extracts a shard from it. This figure is later revealed to be Roodaka, the queen of the Visorak horde, and she is later shown infusing the shard into her chest as she vows to free Makuta from his prison.

Vakama, as a Turaga, continues in voice-over the story of the Toa Metru. Having combined their elemental powers to seal the Makuta in protodermis at the end of the previous film, the Toa left Metru Nui to find a home for the sleeping Matoran, vowing to return to the city to rescue those they were forced to leave behind. However, in their absence, the city became overrun by the 'stealers of life', the Visorak horde.

The Toa Metru (Vakama, Nokama, Matau, Onewa, Whenua, and Nuju) arrive on the shore of Metru Nui and proceed towards the Coliseum where the Matoran are being held, observing the damage that has been dealt to the city. They are soon ambushed and captured by a group of Visorak and taken to the Coliseum, where they are infused with the Visorak's venom and mutated into beast-like creatures. Having been ordered killed by Sidorak, king of the Visorak horde, the Toa are sent falling to their deaths. They are saved by six flying beings who later introduce themselves as Rahaga, led by Norik.

Norik explains that the Visorak venom has transformed the Toa into Hordika, making them more susceptible to their bestial natures. As they will remain Hordika forever if the venom is not neutralized in time, their only hope of changing back lies in an ancient hermit-like Rahi named Keetongu, who is considered by many to be a myth. Vakama grows angry over continually being blamed for the Toa's current situation and storms off, choosing to try and save the Matoran alone. However, he is cornered by Visorak and once again taken to the Coliseum. Roodaka takes advantage of Vakama's current state of mind by offering him a proposal: if he commands the Visorak horde, he can rule Metru Nui. With his Hordika instinct overpowering his rational mind, Vakama accepts her offer.

The other Toa, along with the Rahaga, go to the Great Temple in the Ga-Metru district to search for clues to Keetongu's whereabouts. Vakama ambushes the Rahaga during the night, capturing five of them and leaving behind a badly injured Norik as a warning. He takes them to Sidorak, who grants Vakama a place as the general of the Visorak horde. Norik later informs the Toa of what Vakama has done, reiterating that they must find Keetongu before the Toa are completely consumed by their bestial states as Vakama has apparently been. Using inscriptions translated before the attack, the group follows a trail that leads them to Keetongu's lair at the top of the Ko-Metru district. Though reluctant at first, Keetongu eventually agrees to aid them.

The Toa return to the Coliseum and engage the Visorak. Matau confronts Vakama alone, while Keetongu goes after the king and queen. Roodaka orchestrates the death of Sidorak by leaving him to be killed by Keetongu. Matau tries to reason with Vakama as they fight each other; he apologizes for previously doubting Vakama's leadership and reminds Vakama of his duty as a Toa and his destiny to rescue the Matoran, eventually prompting Vakama to return to his senses.

Norik frees his fellow Rahaga and joins the Toa, but Roodaka arrives and demands control over the Toa's elemental powers. Vakama and Matau rejoin the rest of the team, with Vakama feigning continued allegiance to Roodaka. After the other five Toa unsuccessfully attempt to defeat Roodaka by firing their elemental spinner weapons at her, Vakama reveals his change of heart and orders the Visorak to leave and be free; having been placed under his command, the horde obeys. Vakama then proceeds to fire his own spinner at Roodaka, incapacitating her and destroying her heartstone which she had previously carved from the Makuta's crystal prison. The stone's destruction causes Makuta's prison to break and free him, and Makuta then uses his powers to teleport Roodaka to safety. Fully aware that his actions have freed the Master of Shadows, Vakama is nevertheless confident that they can stop him again. After Keetongu returns the Hordika to their Toa Metru forms, the Toa bid farewell to him and the Rahaga and depart Metru Nui with the comatose Matoran.

Following the events of the first film, Turaga Vakama concludes the story of the Toa Metru that he had been recounting to Takanuva, Jaller, and Hahli. As they leave, Vakama tells them that it is time for them to find their own destiny.

2009. “Bionicle - The Legend Reborn” September 15, 2009 Mark Baldo
•Michael Dorn as Mata Nui
•Jim Cummings as Ackar
•Marla Sokoloff as Kiina
•James Arnold Taylor as Berix & Vastus
•Mark Famiglietti as Gresh
•David Leisure as Metus
•Armin Shimerman as Raanu
•Fred Tatasciore as Tuma
•Jeff Bennett as Strakk & Tarix
•Dee Bradley Baker as Bone Hunters, Skrall & Vorox
•Mark Baldo as Villagers
Mata Nui (Michael Dorn), the Great Spirit of the Matoran universe on the watery moon of Aqua Magna, has been exiled from his home by his 'brother', the evil Makuta Teridax. Teridax took over his gigantic robot body just after Mata Nui's reawakening as the latter's spirit is transferred into the legendary Kanohi Mask of Life. The Mask escapes into space as Teridax begins his takeover of the Matoran Universe.

The Mask crash lands on the nearby Bara Magna, a remote, decaying wasteland planet filled with scrap parts and burnished metals. A Scarabax beetle watches as the Mask of Life creates a body for Mata Nui, who picks up the Scarabax. The beetle, later named Click, changes into a living shield after touching the mask. Just then, a scorpion-like being called a Vorox attacks Mata Nui. After a short struggle, he manages to break off its stinger and drive it away. Mata Nui takes the stinger as a weapon and encounters a villager named Metus (David Leisure), who warns Mata Nui of the deadly Bone Hunter and Skrall tribes.

Metus, a recruiter for the Agori natives, takes Mata Nui to the fiery village of Vulcanus, telling the ex-ruler about life on Bara Magna. Local villages scavenge for what remains, building shelters, survival gear and ultimately arenas where they can settle their disputes by putting the best Glatorian, fighters larger in stature than the Agori, from each village against one another. Metus introduces Mata Nui to Raanu (Armin Shimerman), the Agori leader of Vulcanus, during a fight between veteran fighter Strakk (Jeff Glen Bennett) and Vulcanus' troubled prime Glatorian, Ackar (Jim Cummings). Strakk concedes, but illegally attacks Ackar afterwards. Mata Nui intervenes and, though outclassed, accidentally uses his mask to transform the stinger into a sword. He forces Strakk to concede again, befriending Ackar in the process.

Metus later attempts to recruit Mata Nui as a Glatorian, who refuses. Ackar introduces the hero to Kiina (Marla Sokoloff), a feisty Glatorian from the water village of Tajun. In exchange for showing Mata Nui and Ackar a secret cavern underneath Tajun, Kiina requests to leave Bara Magna with Mata Nui, believing that anywhere is better than her native planet. On their way to Tajun, the three are ambushed by a Skopio beast in Sandray Canyon, along with a group of Bone Hunters, to whom an Agori traitor has revealed the Glatorians' destination. After trapping both the Skopio and Bone Hunters beneath a rockslide, they discover that Tajun has been attacked in Kiina's absence. Rescuing an injured Glatorian rookie, Gresh (Mark Famiglietti), the heroes follow Kiina to her caverns and Gresh tells them that the village was attacked by Skrall and Bone Hunters working together. Ackar is skeptical due to them being rival tribes, until the group spots Tuma, leader of the Skrall, searching the ruins with a pack of Bone Hunters. In the caverns, they also encounter Berix (James Arnold Taylor), a thief. While Berix tends to Gresh, the other three discover a laboratory containing a blueprint of Mata Nui's former robot body, hinting that Bara Magna may have a connection with the Matoran.

As the Glatorians leave, Gresh reveals his weapon was damaged; Ackar wonders if Mata Nui's mask would work on the Glatorian weapons, having witnessed Click's transformation in the arena. As his mask seems to work on things that are/were alive and most Glatorian weapons are made of bone or claw, Mata Nui successfully repairs and transforms their weapons, in the process granting the Glatorians elemental abilities of fire, water, and air for Ackar, Kiina, and Gresh respectively. As they travel to Gresh's home, the jungle village of Tesara, Ackar teaches Mata Nui to stay alert in battle and to study and find his opponent's weakness. Upon arrival, the Glatorians stop a fight between Vastus (James Arnold Taylor) and Tarix (Jeff Glen Bennett), urging the Agori to unite their villages against the Skrall-Bone Hunter alliance. Mata Nui proves himself by transforming Tarix's and Vastus' weapons.

Kiina follows Berix to the hot springs outside the village, convinced that he is the traitor. However, both are captured by the actual traitor. Upon being informed by Metus, Mata Nui ignores Ackar and Gresh's offers of assistance and sets off for the Skrall camp in the stone village of Roxtus on his own.

Mata Nui confronts Tuma and challenges him to a one-on-one fight for Kiina and Berix's freedom, and eventually defeats him by exploiting a vulnerable spot in Tuma's back, claiming Tuma's circular saw-shield. Metus reveals himself as the traitor, explaining how he got the Bone Hunters and the Skrall to unite, intending to lead them against the Agori, feeling that they never respected him. Reasoning that he will have taken over Bara Magna before the Glatorians realize his treachery, he orders the Skrall and Bone Hunters to kill Mata Nui, Kiina and Berix, but an immense being composed of other Scarabax beetles summoned by Click keeps them busy, allowing Mata Nui to use Tuma's shield to free Kiina and Berix. Ackar and Gresh join them, leading several Glatorians against the united army. Berix defeats several Bone Hunters despite his incompetence, but goes missing during the fight. Mata Nui captures and defeats Metus by transforming him into a snake, as a representation of what he truly is, and has the Glatorians combine their powers against the waves of Skrall and Bone Hunters, forcing them to retreat.

As the team watches the combined efforts of the Agori, Glatorians and Scarabax beetles pulling the villages together, they notice that the combined villages formed a large robotic body, similar to the one Mata Nui's spirit once inhabited. To further this, Berix reveals a coin with the Unity-Duty-Destiny symbol, the Bara Magna symbol, and the Mask of Life symbol on one side, and the Skrall symbol on the other; when Mata Nui realizes that the maze-like symbol forms a map, the team prepares to embark on their next adventure.

2014. “The Lego Movie” February 7, 2014 Phil Lord & Christopher Miller
•Chris Pratt as Emmet Brickowski, an everyman and construction worker from Bricksburg who is initially mistaken for the Special.
•Will Ferrell as Lord Business, an evil businessman and tyrant of Bricksburg and the Lego Universe who is the company president of the Octan Corporation under the name President Business.
•Ferrell also plays "The Man Upstairs", a Lego collector and Finn's father in the live-action part of the film.
•Elizabeth Banks as Lucy / Wyldstyle, a "tough as nails" and tech-savvy fighter who is one of the Master Builders.
•Will Arnett as Bruce Wayne / Batman, a DC Comics character who is a Master Builder.
•Nick Offerman as Metal Beard, a pirate and Master Builder seeking revenge on Lord Business for taking his body parts following an earlier encounter and causing him to remake his body from bricks.
•Alison Brie as Princess Unikitty, a unicorn-horned cat and Master Builder who lives in Cloud Cuckoo Land.
•Charlie Day as Benny, a "1980-something space guy" who is one of the Master Builders and is obsessed with building spaceships.
•Liam Neeson as Bad Cop / Good Cop, a police officer with a two-sided head and a split personality who serves Lord Business as the commander of the Super Secret Police. The character's name and personality are based on the good cop/bad cop interrogation method which is briefly shown in the film.
Neeson also voices Pa Cop, a police officer who is Bad Cop/Good Cop's father and Ma Cop's husband.
•Morgan Freeman as Vitruvius, a blind old wizard who is one of the Master Builders.
Channing Tatum as Superman, a DC Comics character who is one of the Master Builders
•Jonah Hill as Green Lantern, a DC Comics character who is one of the Master Builders
•Cobie Smulders as Wonder Woman, a DC Comics character who is one of the Master Builders.
•Jadon Sand as Finn, an eight-and-a-half-year-old boy who is the son of "The Man Upstairs" in the live-action part of the film.
In addition, Anthony Daniels and Billy Dee Williams reprise their Star Wars roles as C-3PO and Lando Calrissian respectively, with Keith Ferguson voicing Han Solo (whom he previously voiced in Robot Chicken and Mad). Shaquille O'Neal portrays a Lego version of himself who is a Master Builder alongside two generic members of the 2002 NBA All-Stars. Will Forte plays Abraham Lincoln (whom he had previously voiced on Clone High, another Lord/Miller production).
In a Lego universe populated by anthropomorphic minifigures, the wizard Vitruvius attempts to protect a superweapon called the "Kragle" from the evil Lord Business. He fails to do so, but prophesies that a person called "the Special" will find the Piece of Resistance capable of stopping the Kragle. Lord Business then kicks Vitruvius off of a cliff while saying the prophecy was fake.

8 and a half years later, a construction worker named Emmet Brickowski comes across a woman named Wyldstyle, who is searching for something after hours at Emmet's construction site. When he investigates, Emmet falls into a pit and finds the Piece of Resistance. Compelled to touch it, Emmet experiences vivid visions and passes out. He awakens with the Piece of Resistance attached to his back in the custody of Bad Cop, Business's lieutenant. Emmet learns of Business's plans to freeze the world with the Kragle, a tube of Krazy Glue with the label partially rubbed out; the Piece of Resistance is the tube's cap. Wyldstyle rescues Emmet, believing him to be the special. They escape from Bad Cop and travel to the Western world where they meet up with a blind Vitruvius. Emmet learns that he and Wyldstyle are Master Builders - people capable of building anything they need without instruction manuals - who oppose Business's attempts to suppress their creativity. Though disappointed to find Emmet is not a Master Builder, Wyldstyle and Vitruvius are convinced of his potential when he recalls visions of a human named "the Man Upstairs".

Emmet, Wyldstyle, and Vitruvius evade Bad Cop's forces with the aid of Batman. They escape to Cloud Cooko Land, where all the master builders have been in hiding, and attend a council of the Master Builders, who are unimpressed with Emmet‘s cowardliness and refuse to help him fight Business. Bad Cop's forces attack and capture everyone except for Emmet and his friends. After being rescued from drowning by pirate Metal-beard, Emmet devises a team plan to infiltrate Business's headquarters and disarm the Kragle. As the plan unfolds, Emmet learns that Wyldstyle's real name is Lucy. The plan is almost a full success until Emmet and his friends are all captured and imprisoned, and Vitruvius is killed by Lord Business, who throws the Piece of Resistance into an abyss and sets his headquarters to self-destruct, leaving all present to die. Vitruvius shows he made up the prophecy as he dies, but reappears to Emmet as a ghost and tells him it is his self-belief that makes him the Special. Strapped to the self-destruct mechanism's battery, Emmet flings himself off the edge in the tower and saves his friends and the Master Builders. Inspired by Emmet's sacrifice, Wyldstyle rallies the Lego people across the universe to use whatever creativity they have to build machines and weapons to fight Business's forces.

Emmet finds himself in the real world, where the events of the story are being played out in a basement by a boy, Finn, on his father's Lego set. The father - known as "the Man Upstairs" - chastises his son for creating hodgepodges of different playsets, and proceeds to permanently glue his perceived perfect creations together. Realizing the danger his friends are in, Emmet wills himself to move and gains Finn's attention. Finn returns Emmet and the Piece of Resistance to the set, where Emmet possesses the powers of a Master Builder and confronts Business. In the real world, Finn's father looks at his son's creations, and quickly sees that the villainous Business is based on him. Through a speech Emmet gives Business, Finn tells his father that he is very special and has the power to change everything. Finn's father reconciles with his son, which plays out as Business having a change of heart, capping the Kragle with the Piece of Resistance, and ungluing his victims with mineral spirits. Lucy and Emmet become boyfriend and girlfriend. As a result of the father allowing Finn's younger sister to join them in playing with his Lego sets, Duplo aliens arrive in the Lego universe and threaten destruction.

2019. “The Lego Movie 2 - The Second Part” February 8, 2019 Mike Mitchell
•Chris Pratt as: Emmet Brickowski, an everyman, construction worker, and a Master Builder from Bricksburg.
•Rex Dangervest, a self-declared "galaxy-defender, archaeologist, cowboy, and raptor trainer." He is eventually revealed to be Emmet's future self. His character is based on Pratt's most famous roles.
•Elizabeth Banks as Lucy / Wyldstyle, a Master Builder and Emmet's girlfriend.
•Will Arnett as Batman, a DC Comics superhero who is a Master Builder.
•Tiffany Haddish as Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi, the shape-shifting alien queen of the Systar System that was made by Emmet as a heart. Her name is a pun on the phrase "whatever I want to be", itself a descriptor of her shape-shifting abilities, which are displayed when she changes into multiple forms throughout the movie.
•Stephanie Beatriz as General Sweet Mayhem, an intergalactic mini-doll who serves as the intergalactic naval commander and law enforcer of the Systar System Armed Forces. She is the right-hand woman to Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi.
•Charlie Day as Benny, a Master Builder who is a spaceship-obsessed 1980's spaceman. In contrast to the previous movie, he has a metallic arm.
•Alison Brie as Unikitty, a Master Builder who is a unicorn-horned cat. In this film, instead of turning red when angry, she is red right from the outset. Over the years since the first film, she has developed the ability to become a giant version of herself called "Ultrakatty" when combat is about to occur.
•Nick Offerman as MetalBeard, a Master Builder who is a large bionic pirate with a severed head after he lost his original body in an earlier encounter with Lord Business' forces.
•Jadon Sand as Finn, a young teenager in the real world, whose imagination drives the events happening in the Lego universe.
•Brooklynn Prince as Bianca, Finn's younger sister, who is the reason why the aliens from the planet Duplo attacked Bricksburg.
•Maya Rudolph as Mom, the unnamed mother of Finn and Bianca. She is the force in the real world that brings about "Armamageddon" ("Our mama gets in"). She was previously voiced by Amanda Farinos in the first film.
•Will Ferrell as:
President Business, the former President of the Octan corporation and the Lego World, who served as the main antagonist of the first film.
The Man Upstairs, a Lego collector who is Finn and Bianca's father. Outside of re-used footage from the first film, Ferrell does not appear on-screen in this role, performing only in a off-screen voiceover.
•Richard Ayoade as "Ice Cream Cone", a talking ice cream cone and citizen of the Systar System who serves as Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi's aide.
•Channing Tatum as Superman, a DC Comics superhero, and one of the Master Builders.
•Jonah Hill as Green Lantern, a DC Comics superhero, and one of the Master Builders.
•Cobie Smulders as Wonder Woman, a DC Comics superhero who is an ambassador of the Amazon people as well as a Master Builder.
•Jason Momoa as Aquaman, a DC Comics superhero who is the king of Atlantis and is also a Master Builder. Momoa reprises his role from the DC Extended Universe.
•Margot Rubin as:
Harley Quinn, a Gotham City criminal, girlfriend to The Joker and Master Builder. She was previously voiced by Jenny Slate in The Lego Batman Movie.
Susan, a mini-doll, and one of Queen Watevra Wa-Nabi's servants.
Mermaid, an inhabitant of Apocalypseburg.
Wonder Woman mini-doll, an inhabitant of Harmony Town.
Panda, a panda-masked inhabitant of Apocalypseburg.
•Ike Barinholtz as Lex Luthor, a DC Comics villain, Master Builder and arch-enemy of Superman. Strangely, he and the Man of Steel have somehow become best friends after being brain-washed by the Queen.
•Ralph Fiennes as Alfred Pennyworth, a DC Comics character and Master Builder who is Batman's loyal Butler.
•Will Forte as Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States and a Master Builder. Forte previously voiced Lincoln in The Lego Movie.
•Bruce Willis as himself, a Lego caricature of the actor who appears in several scenes, including a running joke alluding to his character John McClane from Die Hard. •Ben Schwartz as Banarnar, a sentient banana peel who is a citizen and the perpetual jester of the Systar System.
•Jimmy O. Yang as Zebe, a lavender and black zebra who is a citizen and the bus driver of the Systar System.
•Noel Fielding as Balthazar, a sparkly-faced teenage vampire, spa expert, and DJ from the planet Sparkle in the Systar System describing himself as an "attractive and non-threatening teen vampire." He is a nod to Edward Cullen from The Twilight Saga.
•Jorma Taccone as Larry Poppins, a male counterpart of Mary Poppins.
•Gary Payton as Himself, a Lego caricature of the basketball player who Emmet encounters in Apocalypseburg.
•Sheryl Swoopes as Herself, a Lego caricature of the basketball player who Emmet encounters in Apocalypseburg.
•Trisha Gum as Velma Dinkley, a member of Mystery Inc. from the Scooby-Doo franchise.
•Todd Hansen as:
Gandalf, a wizard from Middle-earth and a Master Builder. Hansen had voiced the same character in The Lego Movie.
The Swamp Creature, a gill-man from Lego Monster Fighters and a Master Builder. He is also a recurring character from The Lego Movie. •Doug Nicholas as Chainsaw Dave, a citizen of Apocalypseburg who was formerly known as Surfer Dave.
•Mike Mitchell as:
Sherry Scratchen-Post, a cat lady who is a citizen of Apocalypseburg.
A royal guard that works for Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi.
"Eight", an octopus who does massages and works at the spa in the Palace of Infinite Reflection.
A Harmony Town citizen
An announcer who announces the guests on the bride and groom's side
An Apocalypseburg warrior.
•Christopher Miller as:
Chad, a citizen of the Systar System who is the DJ of the Pop-Up Party Bus under the stage name Tempo.
A horse
A talking chocolate bar that resides in the Systar System.
Plantimals, plant-like creatures in the Systar System that live in the jungles near Harmony Town.
Paper Boy, a resident of Harmony Town.
•Emily Nordwind as Cleopatra, an Egyptian queen and Master Builder.
•Chris McKay as "Larry", a barista that works in Apocalypseburg.
•Ralph Halprin as "Dolphin Clock," an orbiting clock in the Systar System that is based on Bianca's actual clock.
Additionally, the characters of Bad Cop / Good Cop (now known as Scribble Cop) and Vitruvius' ghost return, but they have only brief lines of dialogue and are voiced by uncredited actors.
Shortly after the invasion led by Lord Business in which Emmet destroys the Kragle using the Piece of Resistance, Duplo aliens arrive in the Lego universe and threaten destruction. Emmet builds the aliens a heart as a token of friendship, but one eats it and demands more. Lucy and the Master Builders believe this to be an attack and retaliate, and the ensuing battle ravages Bricksburg. During the insanity, President Business builds a golf cart and abandons the group to play golf.

Five years later, the teenaged Finn has rebuilt Bricksburg as "Apocalypseburg". Within the Lego universe, they have been ravaged by repeated Duplo attacks, and several of their friends have gone missing in a search for the Duplo home planet. Emmet remains upbeat in stark contrast to Lucy and his friends, though he is troubled by visions of an imminent disaster he calls "armamageddon". A mini-doll called General Sweet Mayhem arrives and kidnaps all of Emmet's friends, taking them to the shape-shifting empress of the "Systar System", Queen Watevera Wa'Nabi. Wa'Nabi can seemingly brainwash Emmet's friends into accepting the joy of her world, and convinces Batman to marry her as a way to unite the Lego and Duplo worlds, but Lucy alone remains highly skeptical of her endgame.

Back in Apocalypseburg, Emmet tries to convince the Master Builders to help him save Lucy and the rest of his friends, but they refuse to help, believing that he isn't tough enough to go through the Systar System. Emmet subsequently crafts a spaceship to pursue Mayhem by passing through the "Stairgate". The ship is heavily damaged and nearly collides with an asteroid field, but is saved in time by rugged adventurer Rex Dangervest. After hearing Emmet's story, Rex offers to help and takes them to the Systar System, and en route, Emmet tries to emulate some of Rex's mannerisms in an attempt to be tough. When they arrive, they quickly reunite with Lucy and learn of the marriage plans, which Rex insists must be a front to bring on "armamageddon".

As the wedding starts, Emmet, Rex, and Lucy split up to sabotage the event. However, Lucy is intercepted by Mayhem, who insists the wedding is instead supposed to prevent "armamageddon". At the ceremony, Wa'Nabi reveals her true form: the heart that Emmett tried to give the Duplo invaders five years prior. Realizing that Mayhem is right, Lucy tries to stop Emmet, but Emmet, who now truly believes she is brainwashed, refuses, and destroys the wedding. In reality, Finn, after finding that his younger sister Bianca had taken his Lego figures, has smashed her own creations. Emmet realizes his mistake, but is seized by Rex, who reveals he is a version of Emmet from the future. Rex had collided with the asteroids, and ended up under the dryer, forgotten by Finn. To ensure his future existence, he changed his appearance and created a time-travel machine to return to help Emmet but to make sure "armamageddon" came to pass. When Emmet tries to fight back, Rex knocks him under the same dryer, ensuring that he would continue to exist.

In the real world, Finn and Bianca's mother is fed up with the kids' bickering, and orders them to put the Lego toys into the storage bin; Lucy recognizes this as Emmet's "armamageddon" (as in "our mama gets in"). Both the Lego and Duplo figures are put into the "Bin of Storajj" and fear they will not escape.

While every Lego and Duplo figure sings about the awful situation they are now, Lucy, who refused to give up, sings to encourage everyone not to give up too. Finn hears the song from the Bin and opens it and sees Wa'Nabi in pieces, thinking of the day he gave the heart to Bianca when they were young. Finn rebuilds the heart, reconciles with her and start playing together. In the Lego universe, Lucy and the others escape the Bin and help rebuild both Apocalypseburg and Wa'Nabi's world. Lucy helps to save Emmet from Rex and destroys his time machine. Emmet vows that he will never become over-tough like Rex, and with this self-realization, a remorseful Rex fades from existence, correcting a time paradox.

Finn and Bianca's mother sees them playing together, and has a change of heart. The Lego universe is recreated as a mish-mash of Apocalypseburg and the Systar System, renamed "Syspocalypstar". President Business returns, but is set aflame by Benny and runs into a store where he is blown up. Emmet's home is rebuilt, and the film ends with Lucy making Emmet a gift of the original album of "Everything Is Awesome", revealing that she co-originated the song, causing Emmet to gasp in shock.

2013. “The Lego Batman Movie” February 10, 2017 Chris McKay
•Will Arnett as Bruce Wayne / Batman: A billionaire by day and superhero by night, who defends Gotham City from crime. Arnett also voiced the character in The Lego Movie and later reprised his role in its sequel.

•Zach Galifianakis as The Joker: A clown-themed villain in Gotham City and Batman's archenemy, who defines himself by his conflict with him.

•Michael Cera as Dick Grayson / Robin: An orphan who is adopted by Bruce Wayne, and becomes a sidekick to Batman.

•Rosario Dawson as Barbara Gordon / Batgirl: The newly-elected police commissioner of Gotham, who hopes to restructure the Gotham City Police Department so that the city could defend itself without Batman. She eventually comes to trust Batman and becomes Batgirl.

•Ralph Fiennes as Alfred Pennyworth: The Wayne family's butler, and Bruce's parent figure and only confidant. Fiennes later reprised his role in The Lego Movie 2.

•Jenny Slate as Harley Quinn: The Joker's girlfriend and accomplice, and fellow criminal in Gotham City.

In addition, Héctor Elizondo voices James Gordon, the retired police commissioner of Gotham and Barbara's father. Ellie Kemper voices Phyllis, the gatekeeper of the Phantom Zone. Mariah Carey voices Mayor McCaskill, the mayor of Gotham. Lauren White voices Chief O'Hara, the police chief of Gotham. Todd Hansen and Chris McKay respectively voice Captain Dale and Pilot Bill, the two pilots of the airplane hijacked by the Joker at the beginning of the film. Brent Musburger, Ralph Garman, and Chris Hardwick make cameo appearances as three unnamed reporters, while Mark Jonathan Davis voices a fictionalized version of himself (his character Richard Cheese also appears through the use of archival recordings). Several members of the Justice League also make minor appearances, with Superman being voiced by Channing Tatum (who reprises his role from The Lego Movie and would return for its sequel), Green Lantern by Jonah Hill (also reprising his role from The Lego Movie), and the Flash by Adam DeVine.

Several actors voice the various villians from Batman's rogues gallery, including Billy Dee Williams as Two-Face (as a nod to his role as Harvey Dent, Two-Face's former identity, in the 1989 Batman film), Riki Lindhome as Poison Ivy, Conan O'Brien as the Riddler, Jason Mantzoukas as the Scarecrow, Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman (Kravitz is also set to portray the character in live-action in the upcoming film The Batman), Matt Villa as Killer Croc, Kate Micucci as Clayface, Doug Benson as Bane (the character's appearance and Benson's performance are meant to satirize Tom Hardy's portrayal of Bane in The Dark Knight Rises), John Venzon as the Penguin, David Burrows as Mr. Freeze (Burrows also voices an anchorman), and Laura Kightlinger as Orca (Kightlinger also voices a reporter). The film also features villains from other franchises, including Sauron from The Lord of the Rings, the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz (both voiced by Jemaine Clement), Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter (voiced by Eddie Izzard), King Kong from King Kong, the Swamp Creature from various monster films (both voiced by Seth Green), and Medusa from Greek mythology (also voiced by Lauren White).

The voice of the Batcomputer (credited as 'Puter), depicted here as an artificial intelligence controlling all of Batman's gadgets and vehicles, is done by Siri.

Within the DC superhero dimension of the Lego multiverse, Batman continues to protect Gotham City and fight crime. During his latest mission to stop the Joker and Gotham's other supervillains from destroying the city, Batman hurts the Joker's feelings by telling him he is not as important in his life as he thinks he is, leading the Joker to seek the ultimate revenge on him. The following day, Batman's alter ego Bruce Wayne attends the city's winter gala, which is celebrating both the retirement of Commissioner Gordon and the ascension of his daughter Barbara as the city's new police commissioner, only to be infuriated by Barbara's plans to restructure the police to function without the need of Batman. The Joker crashes the party with the city's other villains, all of whom surrender except Harley Quinn, who disappears during the confusion.

Knowing that the Joker is up to no good, Batman plans to steal Superman's Phantom Zone projector, a device that can banish anyone to the Phantom Zone, which houses some of the most dangerous villains in the Lego multiverse, only for Alfred to intervene and advise him to take care of Dick Grayson, whom Bruce unwittingly adopted as his son during the gala earlier. Reluctantly agreeing to do so, Batman fosters Dick as Robin, whereupon the pair successfully recovers the projector from the Fortress of Solitude and breaks into Arkham Asylum to send the Joker to the Phantom Zone. Suspecting that the Joker wanted to be sent there, Barbara locks up Batman and Robin.

While the projector is being seized as evidence, Harley steals it back as part of the Joker's plan, and frees him, allowing him to return to Gotham with all the villains he had recruited in the Phantom Zone, including General Zod, King Kong, the Gremlins, the Wicked Witch of the West and her Flying Monkeys, Lord Voldemort, Sauron, the skeletons from Jason and the Argonauts, the Tyrannosaurus rex and a velociraptor from Jurassic Park, the shark from Jaws, the Daleks, Lord Vampyre, the Mummy and the Swamp Creature, the kraken from Clash of the Titans, Medusa, and Agent Smith and his clones. Realizing that the city does need him after all, Barbara releases Batman and Robin and teams up with them and Alfred to stop the new threat.

Although Batman finds himself able to trust and rely on his new team upon reaching Wayne Island, he chooses to send them away, fearing that he might lose them just like his parents. Upon facing him alone, the Joker believes that Batman is incapable of changing his ways and zaps him to the Phantom Zone before stealing the Batcave's stash of confiscated bombs. Arriving in the Phantom Zone, Batman witnesses the harm his arrogance has caused everyone and slowly accepts his greatest fear: being part of a new family. Making a deal with the Zone's gatekeeper Phyllis, a sentient Lego brick, to be allowed back to Gotham to retrieve the Zone's escaped prisoners, Batman arrives in time to save his teammates, apologizing to them for leaving them and requesting their help to stop Joker.

With help from Gotham's other villains, who felt neglected by the Joker, Batman and his team defeat the escaped villains and send them back to the Phantom Zone. However, the group accidentally fails to stop the Joker's bombs from going off, and the explosion begins to tear the city apart at the plates beneath it. Knowing this was his fault, Batman reluctantly convinces the Joker that he is the true reason for being the hero, so that everyone (heroes, villains, and citizens) would work together to save Gotham, chain-linking themselves together and pulling the plates back together.

With the city saved, Batman prepares to be taken back into the Phantom Zone to face the consequences of his behavior, only to be rejected by Phyllis, who chooses to let him remain after realizing he is a hero and seeing how much he had changed to save everyone. Afterward, Batman gives the Joker and the other villains a head start to avoid capture, knowing they will be no match for the new Bat-family.

The movie ends with Batman spending a new life with his new family.

2019. “Lego DC Batman - Family Matters” July 21 2019 Matt Peters
•Troy Baker as Bruce Wayne / Batman
•Alyson Stoner as Barbara Gordon / Batgirl
•Scott Menville as Damian Wayne / Robin
•Jason Spisak as Jason Todd / Red Hood
•Steve Blum as Scarecrow
•Zach Callison as Billy Batson / Shazam
•Cam Clarke as Brother Eye, Bat Computer
•Will Friedle as Dick Grayson / Nightwing
•Ralph Garman as Wizard
•Jake Green as Fred
•Josh Keaton as Board Member
•Tom Kenny as Commissioner Gordon, Penguin
vChristian Lanz as Harvey Dent / Two-Face
•Nolan North as Alfred, Killer Croc
•André Sogliuzzo as Riddler
•Tara Strong as Kate Kane / Batwoman
•Fred Tatasciore as Solomon Grundy
After recently foiling the schemes of Solomon Grundy, Batman heads off to his company Wayne Enterprises in his civilian identity where his employees discuss a new AI system named Brother Eye. While Bruce likes the idea of the system's OMAC drones doing work for others, he later dismisses the system as he goes home.

Being bored throughout the meeting and believing that time in his civilian identity cuts out time as a vigilante, Batman decides to sell Wayne Enterprises. This news is discovered by Two-Face, who teams up with Red Hood to get revenge on Batman and Bruce Wayne (as Two-Face is unaware that they are one and the same) in order to increase his villainous reputation and in part due to Bruce frequently overshadowing him before his transformation.

Returning home, Batman receives a message to meet at a particular alleyway in Gotham, a message also received by Nightwing, Batgirl and Batwoman. Batman agrees to this message with Robin eventually joining in with the rest of the Bat Family, despite Batman's demands.

After being ambushed by and defeating Red Hood's robotic minions, Red Hood reveals that he is aware of the Bat-Family's secret identities and announces that he has placed 5 bombs across Gotham, one of which will only be revealed if the rest are disarmed. The Bat Family split up to disarm the bombs, with Nightwing taking Robin with him and telling Batman not to be so overprotective of Robin.

Batwoman disarms a bomb located at GCPD while facing off against Killer Croc, Batgirl finds a bomb at the Fairgrounds guarded by Scarecrow, and Nightwing and Robin battle Penguin and Riddler in a railway yard. All of them succeed in defeating their respective opponents. Upon doing so, they are stunned and apprehended by Red Hood one by one.

Batman eventually arrives at his destination, the Monarch theatre. There, he meets Billy Batson, an orphan whose orphanage is experiencing financial problems and was hoping to have Bruce appear on his podcast to solve them. At that moment, Two-Face shows up and reveals the fourth bomb. As Batman fights off against Two-Face, Billy manages to disarm the bomb with help from an unknown individual. Two-Face is defeated but he manages to escape. Batman is then told by Red Hood to return to the Batcave.

At the Batcave, Batman is able to deduce that Red Hood is his former protege Jason Todd, who left after believing that Batman did not care for him, which is technically true because Batman has proven to care more about fighting crime than the people he loves. Batman apologizes and then reveals that after Jason left, he proceeded to look for him until the Batcomputer lost track of him. Accepting Batman's apology, Red Hood releases the rest of the Bat Family, apologizes for his actions, and reveals that the bombs merely just exploded into confetti and that there was no fifth bomb. However, their reunion is cut short when Two-Face informs via video that he bought Wayne Enterprises and proceeds to cause havoc and unleash the OMAC drones through Gotham. He then demands to see Batman and Bruce Wayne to exact his revenge, threatening to use Brother Eye to destroy the city if they do not show up. Batman heads off to face Two-Face while the rest of the Bat-Family (minus Red Hood) goes fend off the OMAC drones.

At Wayne Industries, Batman struggles to keep his dual identity a secret until Red Hood arrives disguised as him. As Red Hood is locked inside the OMAC factory and faces off against Brother Eye, Batman (in his civilian identity) manages to face off against Two-Face and defeat him while apologizing for overshadowing him.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Bat Family is initially overwhelmed by the OMAC drones until Robin gains the idea to combine their vehicles, allowing them to gain an advantage. Red Hood manages to outwit Brother Eye and trick him into cutting off his power supply, shutting down the OMACs and causing the Brother Eye satellite to fall out of orbit only for it to be destroyed by the Bat Family.

Having dealt with Two-Face, Batman joins Red Hood in the OMAC factory and the two reconcile until Brother Eye begins to draw power from Wayne Enterprises power core and attempts to blow it up. When Brother Eye denies Batman's request to stop, bringing up Bruce's earlier dismissal of him, Batman apologizes and admits that he failed to see the good Wayne Enterprises was doing to Gotham. Batman states that he should be more open to other people, rather than pushing them away, realizing that doing so caused Jason to go rogue. Moved by Batman's words, Brother Eye shuts down and halts his attempt to blow up the power core.

Following this, Batman decides to be more considerate towards his proteges. Red Hood moves back into the Batcave and the Bat Family celebrate their victory as Batman and Red Hood bond over video games.

In a mid-credit scene with Bruce having regained ownership of Wayne Enterprises, Billy's orphanage is saved from financial crisis. As Billy is handing out flyers, one of them gets blown away in the wind. Billy follows it into a subway station, where he finds a bizarre-looking train arrive. The same individual from earlier tells Billy to board the train for the journey of a lifetime, to which Billy agrees.

2017. “The Lego Ninjago Movie” September 22, 2017 Bob Logan, Paul Fisher & Charlie Bean
•Dave Franco as Lloyd, the Green Ninja, leader of the Secret Ninja Force, Lord Garmadon and Koko's son and Master Wu's nephew.

•Michael Peña as Kai, the hotheaded red Ninja of Fire and Nya's brother.

•Kumail Nanjiani as Jay, the quiet and cautious blue Ninja of Lightning.

•Abbi Jacobson as Nya, the strong silver Ninja of Water, Kai's sister, and Jay's crush.

•Zach Woods as Zane, the robotic white Ninja of Ice.

•Fred Armisen as Cole, the laid-back music-loving black Ninja of Earth.

•Jackie Chan as Master Wu, the wisecracking leader of the group, Lord Garmadon's brother and Lloyd's uncle.

•Chan also plays Mr. Liu, an elderly shopkeeper who appears in the live-action part of the film.

•Justin Theroux as Lord Garmadon, the Lord of Evil, an evil warlord, the father of Lloyd, the ex-husband of Koko and the brother of Master Wu.

•Olivia Munn as Koko, Lord Garmadon's ex-wife and Lloyd's mother. She was formerly known as the legendary "Lady Iron Dragon" when she worked as a warrior-queen.

•Randall Park and Retta as Chen and Maggie, the cheerleaders at Ninjago High School who bully Lloyd.

•Constance Wu as the Mayor of Ninjago.

•Charlyne Yi and Vanara Taing as Terri and Asimov, the IT Nerds working for Lord Garmadon.

•Chris Hardwick as a radio DJ working in Ninjago City.

•Robin Roberts as herself, a Lego caricature of the newscaster. In the UK version, she is replaced by Kate Garraway.

•Michael Strahan as himself, a Lego caricature of the known media personality and former New York Giants defensive end. In the UK version, he is replaced by Ben Shephard.

•David Burrows as a fuchsia ninja who has the "element of surprise."

•Alex Kauffman as Ninja Computer.

•Ali Wong as General Olivia, the fish-themed general of Garmadon's Shark Army.

•Todd Hansen as General Omar, the shark-themed general of Garmadon's Shark Army.

•Doug Nicholas as General Jollty, the jellyfish-themed general of Garmadon's Shark Army.

•Bobby Lee as the owner of a pilates studio in Ninjago City.

•Laura Kightlinger as Mrs. Laudita, a teacher at Ninjago High School.

•Pearl and Ruby as Meowthra, a live-action cat that terrorizes Ninjago.

•Kaan Guldur as a young boy who appears at the live-action part of the film whom Mr. Liu tells the story of Ninjago to. At the end of the film, he begins to train as a ninja by Mr. Liu as the story ends.

A young boy meets the mysterious owner of a relic shop, Mr. Liu, who tells him the story of Ninjago, a city within the LEGO universe. It is frequently terrorized by the evil warlord Garmadon, who is the father of teenager Lloyd Garmadon and estranged husband of Koko. Everybody in the city of Ninjago hates Lloyd for being Garmadon's son, which puts Lloyd under emotional stress. Unbeknownst to them, Lloyd is the Green Ninja and part of a secret force of ninja warriors comprising Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai and their master named Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over Ninjago City by fighting with mechs. When Garmadon is again unsuccessful at conquering Ninjago, his tech division shows him a giant new mech.

Lloyd and his friends see the return of Master Wu, who tells them that only their "unique element" will defeat Garmadon. Lloyd is frustrated to learn his element is green. Jay has lightning, Cole has earth, Zane has ice, Nya has water and Kai has fire. Wu also mentions an "Ultimate Weapon", giving Lloyd new hope of stopping Garmadon, despite Wu warning them that nobody can ever use the device. The next day, Garmadon attacks Ninjago City with his giant mech and this time defeats Lloyd. As Garmadon gloats, Lloyd returns with the Ultimate Weapon and fires it, only to reveal that it is really a laser pointer that attracts a live-action cat named Meowthra. Garmadon points the laser at the ninja's mechs, which the cat destroys, but Lloyd breaks the laser pointer. As Garmadon celebrates his victory, Lloyd unmasks himself and denounces his father, leaving Garmadon confused.

Lloyd meets up with his friends and Master Wu, who tells them they must use an "Ultimate, Ultimate Weapon" to stop Meowthra from destroying Ninjago City, which can be found on the other side of Ninjago Island. Garmadon overhears Wu talking about the weapon, follows close behind, intercepts Wu and fights him only to end up in a cage defeated. However, Wu loses his balance and falls off a bridge into the river below. Before being swept away, he tells the ninja they must find "inner peace". The ninja continue on with Garmadon leading them, much to Lloyd's disappointment. Despite this, the two bond throughout their journey, while the ninja learn not to rely solely on their mechs to fight. The group survives an encounter with Garmadon's fired generals, and Garmadon teaches Lloyd to throw.

They eventually crash down onto the Temple of Fragile Foundations, Garmadon's childhood home. He tells Lloyd that he wishes he had stayed with him and his mom after deciding to conquer Ninjago, but he couldn't change so they had to stay apart. The ninjas find the Ultimate, Ultimate Weapon, a chest consisting of a set of LEGO pieces that resemble their elemental powers, only to have it stolen by Garmadon, who remains resolute in taking over the city after Lloyd rejects his offer to replace a mutinous general. In a villainous turnaround, Garmadon locks all of them inside the temple as it begins to collapse. Lloyd realizes that "inner peace" means that they must unleash their elemental power, and they escape from the collapsing temple. As they fall off a cliff, Wu saves them with his flying ship, the "Destiny's Bounty", and they head back to Ninjago City.

Garmadon arrives and tries to defeat Meowthra with the Ultimate, Ultimate Weapon, but Meowthra eats him whole instead. Lloyd and the crew arrive and begin fighting Garmadon's army. As Lloyd approaches Meowthra, he reveals to everyone that he is the Green Ninja and realizes that green means life and that his element is what connects the ninjas together and his family together. He comforts Meowthra and apologizes to Garmadon profusely, saying that he forgives him. Garmadon cries tears of fire, which causes Meowthra to vomit him out. After Lloyd and his father are reconciled, Meowthra becomes the mascot of Ninjago and Lloyd is hailed as a hero.

As the story finishes, Mr. Liu informs the boy that he will start training him as a ninja at dawn after the boy shows potential.

2016. “Lego Scooby-Doo! Haunted Hollywood” May 4 2016 Rick Morales
•Frank Welker as Scooby-Doo and Fred Jones
•Matthew Lillard as Shaggy Rogers
•Kate Micucci as Velma Dinkley
•Grey Griffin as Daphne Blake
•Dee Bradley Baker as Sea Creature, Malt Shop Walt and Zombie
•JB Blanc as Atticus Fink and Director
•Christian Lanz as Bryan Lakeshore and Mummy
•Scott Menville as Junior
•Cassandra Peterson as Drella Diabolique
•James Arnold Taylor as Chet Brickton and Narrator
While trying to solve the mystery of a sea creature haunting a lighthouse, Shaggy complains to Scooby about how Fred, Daphne and Velma always bribe them into being monster bait with Scooby Snacks. As a result, Shaggy and Scooby decide to not eat Scooby Snacks again. After they solve the mystery, the gang goes to the malt shop where Shaggy and Scooby win a hamburger eating contest and win the whole gang a trip to Hollywood.

Once they arrive, they first visit Brickton Studios, an old horror film studio that is about to be closed down. The studio's employee Junior, an avid fan of horror films, welcomes them and offers to give them a tour. Joining them on the tour is Atticus Fink, a developer who wants to buy and level the studio. During the tour, they drive their truck through a dark storage facility, causing Fink to leave. After Fink leaves, a Headless Horseman appears and chases the gang.

After they escape, they go to ask the manager, Chet Brickton, about their encounter. Brickton tells them that all the monsters used to be played by an actor named Boris Karnak, who died years ago and that his ghost may have come back to haunt the studios through various costumes of the monsters he played. In addition to the Headless Horseman, there have also been sightings of a mummy and a zombie, which is why he must sell the studio to Fink to avoid bankruptcy. The gang offers to help Brickton solve the mystery.

First, the gang goes to the set of a romantic comedy film that the studio is currently working on, to Junior's displeasure. Suddenly the Headless Horseman attacks and ruins the set, making Brickton forlorn. The gang offers to help him finish the movie. Brickton appoints Fred as the director and casts Shaggy in the lead. Brickton then casts TV show talk host Drella Diabolique as the female lead, to Daphne's dismay. After a long film making process, a mummy attacks and destroys the set.

Later, Fred and Velma go to look for clues, while Drella coaches Daphne on being a movie star. Finding his footage unharmed, Fred decides to continue filming his movie. While shooting a particularly extravagant scene involving a plane, both the Headless Horseman and the zombie appear. After Scooby has a wild ride on the plane and the monsters disappear, Brickton reluctantly signs the studio over to Fink, to Junior's sadness. Velma mentions that the Headless Horseman and the zombie appeared at the same time, meaning the ghost of Boris Karnak cannot be in two places at once. The gang decides to capture the monsters and solve the mystery.

The gang heads back to the studio and with Drella's help and Fred's elaborate trap, they catch the zombie and the Headless Horseman. The Headless Horseman is revealed to be Fink, who used the costume to get a cheap ownership of the studio. Daphne tells Fink that the evidence of fraud violates the terms of his contract, making it null and void. The zombie is revealed to be Junior, who was also the mummy. Junior tells them that he is actually Boris Karnak Jr., and wanted to carry on his father's legacy. Brickton orders the police to take Fink away and allows Junior to go free, but says that the studio will still have to close down due to lack of a movie. They then realize that the security cameras have recorded the gang being chased by the monsters and decide to make a found footage movie. With the studio saved, the movie ends with the gang at the premiere of "Security Cam Monsters: The Adventure Begins" and Scooby and Shaggy deciding to eat Scooby Snacks once again.

1. “Lego DC Super Hero Girls - Brain Drain” August 8, 2017 Todd Grimes
•Yvette Nicole Brown as Amanda Waller
•Greg Cipes as Beast Boy
•Romi Dames as Lena Luthor
•John DiMaggio as Gorilla Grodd / Wildcat •Teala Dunn as Bumblebee
•Anais Fairweather as Supergirl
Grey Griffin as Wonder Woman / Lois Lane
•Jennifer Hale as Mad Harriet
•Josh Keaton as Flash
•Tom Kenny as Gordon
•Rachael MacFarlane as Artemiz
•Mona Marshall as Eclipso
•Meredith Salenger as Lashina
•Ashlyn Selich as Batgirl
•Stephanie Sheh as Katana
•Tara Strong as Harley Quinn
The entire planet is in peril as Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Batgirl have to battle an unknown villain as well as short-term amnesia. The trio thought they all had the same bizarre dream where they witnessed Katana and Bumblebee stealing diamonds. They gave chase, but then they all woke up. Turns out the events didn't only happen in their heads, and the three girls slowly started to understand they lost some time-a whole day.

Others remember their missing 24 hours. The girls all acted extremely out of character, doing things like uploading an embarrassing video of Harley Quinn without her permission and replacing the school's Amethyst with Principal Waller's car. Their activities get them expelled.

That makes them realize not everything is as it seems and leads them on a chase towards the hidden mastermind behind the plot, Eclipso.
2. “Lego DC Comics Super Heroes - The Flash” March 13, 2018 Ethan Spaulding
•James Arnold Taylor as Barry Allen / Flash
•Troy Baker as Bruce Wayne / Batman
•Eric Bauza as Ryan Choi / Atom, B'dg, Jimmy Olsen
•Grey Griffin as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman, Lois Lane
•Tom Kenny as Plastic Man, Penguin
•Phil LaMarr as Firestorm
•Vanessa Marshall as Poison Ivy
Dee Bradley Baker as Captain Boomerang, Aquaman
•Kate Micucci as Zatanna
Nolan North as Kal-El/Clark Kent / Superman, Killer Croc
•Khary Payton as Victor Stone / Cyborg
•Kevin Michael Richardson as Doctor Fate, Captain Cold
•Dwight Schultz as Reverse-Flash
•Jason Spisak as Joker
•Audrey Wasilewski as Mayor Wimbley
The second Atom is introduced into the Justice League as the Joker poisons Metropolis with his Joker gas and remodels the Daily Planet. Flash arrives late after stopping for food and catching Captain Cold and Captain Boomerang. The Justice League is upset with his impulsive decisions when a yellow, vibrating speedster taunts Flash for his inferior speed. Following a chase, Flash wakes up in his bed the next day; after recognizing the events from the previous day, Flash realizes he traveled back in time to the morning of that day and is able to stop the Joker. The yellow speedster taunts the Flash again and the Flash enters a time loop, repeatedly chasing the speedster and stopping the crimes of that day. Batman gives Flash advice on how to stop it, but the yellow speedster gives Flash the chase again. In a dimensional gateway, Flash pushes his power past its maximum to overtake the speedster and break the loop.

In Central City, Flash's powers are gone and the city has turned against him. Superman and Batman removes him from the Justice League after being framed for pulling pranks on the League. The yellow speedster reveals himself as the Reverse Flash-envious of Flash's fame, Reverse Flash traveled from the future to steal his (and the Justice League's) fame. In atomic size, Atom hears everything, though as Reverse Flash restrains Flash, his suit short circuits preventing him from unshrinking. Atom frees Flash and phones Doctor Fate to help Flash regain his powers. Flash is teleported to Doctor Fate and Atom attempts returning to the Hall of Justice to explain Reverse Flash's plan to the League. Reverse Flash commits acts of heroism at a rate quicker than the Justice League, gaining him popularity with the public and leading the Justice League to announce their retirement.

Flash is introduced to Doctor Fate and his assistant Zatanna. After Flash explains his predicament, Doctor Fate explains the Speed Force and reveals that Flash broke his connection to it. Doctor Fate and Zatanna send Flash into the Speed Force, where he will complete various trials to prove his worthiness of his powers. Flash completes the trials and finds the Speed Force Nexus, the primary source of power in the Speed Force. Reverse Flash arrives, having planned for Flash to complete the trials so he could acquire the Nexus without doing them himself, and places the Nexus into his suit, exponentially increasing his powers. Flash is left trapped in the Speed Force.

With the Speed Force Nexus, Reverse Flash encases the Hall of Justice in a statue of himself, made of bricks from the Speed Force that are impervious to their powers. Atom, with the help of Ace the Bat-Hound, Krypto and the Green Lantern B'dg, repairs his suit and helps the League escape to the Batcave. Flash returns from the Speed Force by creating a vehicle out of the same Speed Force bricks.

Reverse Flash builds more statues of himself and declares himself the ruler of Earth. He threatens those that disobey him will meet the same fate as the Justice League. The League, using bricks Flash brought from the Speed Force, rivals Reverse Flash's speed and destroys his statues as a distraction so Flash can steal the Speed Force Nexus from him. Flash regains his powers, with greater speed than Reverse Flash. Flash taunts Reverse Flash into exceeding the maximum of his powers; depowered, Reverse Flash is arrested by the League at the Hall of Justice. Flash takes him to prison and returns the Nexus to the Speed Force before being reinstated into the Justice League.

Flash is grateful for the restoration of his powers and the Justice League's advice. The Justice League celebrate their victory as Doctor Fate overlooks everything.

3. “Lego DC Super Hero Girls - Super-Villain High” May 15, 2018 Elsa Garagarza
•Yvette Nicole Brown as Principal Amanda Waller
•Greg Cipes as Beast Boy
•Romi Dames as Lena Luthor, Divide
•John DiMaggio as Gorilla Grodd, Wildcat
•Teala Dunn as Bumblebee
vAshley Eckstein as Cheetah
•Anais Fairweather as Supergirl
•Nika Futterman as Hawkgirl
•Grey Griffin as Wonder Woman, Lois Lane
•Josh Keaton as Flash
•Maurice Lamarche as Oberon, Red Tornado
•Danica McKellar as Frost
•Cristina Milizia as Jessica Cruz, Green Lantern
vKhary Payton as Cyborg, Wizard Shazam
•Cristina Pucelli as Catwoman
•Kevin Michael Richardson as Doctor Fate, Delivery Man
•Meredith Salenger as Backlash, Lashina
•Ashlyn Selich as Batgirl
•Stephanie Sheh as Katana
•Tara Strong as Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Principal Taller
•Fred Tatasciore as Seven Sins
It's up to Lego DC Super Hero Girls to uncover the truth about Uber High. This test is one that the Lego DC Super Hero Girls cannot fail!
4. “Lego DC Comics Super Heroes - Aquaman - Rage of Atlantis” July 31, 2018 Matt Peters
•Dee Bradley Baker as Aquaman / Dex-Starr
•Troy Baker as Batman
•Eric Bauza as Jimmy Olsen
•Trevor Devall as Ocean Master
•Susan Eisenberg as Mera
•Jonathan Adams as Atrocitus
•Grey Griffin as Wonder Woman / Lois Lane / Ring
•Scott Menville as Robin / Damian Wayne
•Cristina Milizia as Green Lantern / Jessica Cruz
•Nolan North as Superman
•Khary Payton as Cyborg
•Alyson Stoner as Batgirl / Barbara Gordon
•Fred Tatasciore as Lobo
At the Hall of Justice, Justice League newcomer Jessica Cruz is busy examining for suspicious activity when the Trouble Alert goes off, alerting Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg about Lobo's attack on a warehouse at Dread Lake storing alien technology. When Aquaman receives word of this, he attempts to join in. He soon realizes that Dread Lake is in fact a dry lake bed, leaving Aquaman's abilities futile as he is repeatedly beaten by Lobo until the Justice League arrive. Although Lobo manages to escape with a glowing blue orb despite their efforts.

Wanting to lighten the mood, Aquaman invites the Justice League to a feast that Atlantis is hosting in honor of his anniversary as king. While attending the feast (using a spray Batman designed to help them breathe underwater), Aquaman's brother Ocean Master soon gathers the inhabitants of Atlantis where the entire city is engulfed in a bizarre red light which begins to corrupt and enrage them (a force field created by Cruz prevents the Justice League from its effects). With Atlantis under his influence, Ocean Master reveals an Atlantean scroll which reveals a law that only a pure-blood Atlantean can be king. Since Aquaman is half-human, he reluctantly gives up the crown to Ocean Master.

Now in control, Ocean Master introduces his corrupted subjects to his new adviser Atrocitus, leader of the Red Lantern Corps (who was responsible for corrupting the Atlanteans) and demands the destruction of the Justice League. Attempting to escape the corrupted Atlanteans, Aquaman and the Justice League use a device known as the Atlantean Gateway (which can open portals to other water-based worlds) to escape. However, Cruz fails to enter the portal before it closes.

The Justice League end up arriving on a desert world with a red sun (rendering Superman powerless) and find themselves in a factory of Red Lantern vehicles and robots. Noticing that this planet's end of the gateway is being powered by the orb Lobo stole, the Justice League realize that Atrocitus plans to send his forces to Earth and have the Atlanteans invade the surface world. After escaping the factory, the Justice League have Aquaman (who is naturally drawn to water due to his Atlantean physiology) lead them to water where they find it in a bar known as the Watering Hole and learn that water on this planet has become scarce and expensive on this planet ever since Atrocitus drained it dry. Fearing that Earth will suffer a similar fate, the Justice League become determined to return home. Encountering Lobo, they learn that he was hired to steal the orb by Ocean Master and request his assistance in exchange for returning his beloved dolphin Fishy (who was also corrupted by the Red Lanterns) to him....an offer Lobo reluctantly accepts.

Back on Earth, Cruz is rescued by Mera who initially attempts to aid against the corrupted Atlanteans only to be corrupted herself. Escaping on a Red Lantern vehicle, Cruz makes it to a seaside fair where the Atlantean invasion begins. Cruz, Robin and Batgirl do their best to fend off the invading Atlanteans led by an enraged Mera. Upon realizing that the entire world is watching her on the news, Cruz flees from the battle, but works up the courage to return and fight back when she sees Mera attempting to corrupt Batgirl and Robin. Using her power ring, Cruz is able to defeat Mera and negate the effects of the Red Lantern light, returning Mera to her benevolent self.

Elsewhere, the Justice League attempt to return to Earth. They succeed in shutting down the Red Lantern's factory and the Gateway, but not before Fishy, Red Lantern Corps member Dex-Starr and a handful of Red Lantern drones make their way through it. Upset for their failure, Lobo storms off. The Justice League manage to use some reserve power and new vehicles to temporarily re-open the Gateway and return to Earth, but are defeated by Ocean Master and Atrocitus and locked in a gold cage.

At this moment, Atrocitus betrays Ocean Master and reveals his true intentions. Using a weapon known as the Submerged Limitless Underwater Rapid Pump (S.L.U.R.P.), Atrocitus plans to drain Earth's water supply and spray it into space until Earth is as dry as a desert. Seeing the error of his ways, Ocean Master helps the Justice League escape and uses his magic to protect them from the Red Lantern's light. Using the Trident of Poseidon (which can only be wielded by the rightful king of Atlantis), Aquaman is able to defeat Atrocitus and destroy the Red Lantern power battery (the source of his power), undoing the effects of its light. Surfacing, the Justice League, Batgirl, Robin and Mera attempt to destroy the S.L.U.R.P. but their efforts prove futile. Lobo (who has been reunited with Fishy) arrives to aid the Justice League. With Aquaman's advice to work together, the combined efforts of the Justice League and Lobo destroy the S.L.U.R.P. while Superman pushes the water that was already drained (which had frozen into a brick of ice) back into Earth's atmosphere where it melts into rain and is restored to Earth's oceans.

With Atlantis the peaceful and happy kingdom it once was once more, Ocean Master apologizes for his actions and even admits to falsifying the law which dethroned Aquaman in the first place. This, coupled with the fact that Aquaman was able to wield the Trident of Poseidon allow Aquaman to be rethroned as King of Atlantis. Atrocitus and Dex-Starr are handcuffed and acquired by Lobo who plans to head to Oa to collect the bounty placed on them. As he leaves with Fishy, Lobo states that when he returns he "might not be on his best behavior".

As the Justice League celebrate their victory, Cyborg receives word that Gorilla Grodd and his forces are attacking Kathmandu, forcing the Justice League into action.

1. “Justice League vs. Bizarro League” February 10, 2015 Brandon Vietti
•Troy Baker as Bruce Wayne / Batman, Batzarro
•Nolan North as Kal-El/Clark Kent/ Superman, Bizarro
•Diedrich Bader as Guy Gardner / Green Lantern, Greenzarro
•John DiMaggio as Lex Luthor, Deathstroke
•Tom Kenny as Penguin, Plastic Man
•Phil Morris as Oliver Queen / Green Arrow, Carter Hall / Hawkman
•Khary Payton as Victor Stone / Cyborg, Cyzarro
•Kevin Michael Richardson as Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd
•James Arnold Taylor as Barry Allen / Flash, DeSaad
•Tony Todd as Uxas / Darkseid
•Kari Wahlgren as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman, Bizarra
•April Winchell as Giganta
In Metropolis, the civilians are living their everyday lives until Superman arrives to save them much to their confusion, as there was nothing to be saved from. As it turns out, it was actually Bizarro who arrived and he mistakes an octopus ride in a playground as a real gigantic octopus torturing children. Luckily, Superman arrives to fix Bizarro's mess. Superman quickly decides that Bizarro needs a home away from Earth so he won't cause trouble and takes Bizarro to a cubic planet with backwards physics. Bizarro soon comes to accept his new home and decides to stay.

After one year passes, Giganta is seen attacking Metropolis. While the Justice League deals with her, Batman soon discovers there's more to the rampage than meets the eye. As it turns out, Gorilla Grodd used his telepathic helmet to take control of Penguin, Deathstroke, Captain Cold, and Giganta so that he could steal vital technology and bananas while Giganta distracted the League. After knocking off Grodd's helmet, Penguin, Deathstroke and Captain Cold turn on Gorilla Grodd and use the stolen tech for themselves. The Justice League then splits up to take down the villains: Flash captures Captain Cold, Plastic Man catches Deathstroke, Green Arrow apprehends the Penguin, Batman defeats Gorilla Grodd, and Wonder Woman, Superman and Green Lantern Corps member Guy Gardner continue battling Giganta. Although he joined the Justice League, Batman still considers Superman mistrustworthy. Victorious, the League returns to the Hall of Justice where Batman and Wonder Woman notice news footage of Superman breaking into LexCorp Tower. Superman, however, was in the kitchen making sandwiches at the time. But when he sees the footage, he realizes who it is, and tells the League he'll handle it himself. However, Batman takes Wonder Woman, Guy Gardner and Cyborg to investigate.

They soon discover it was Bizarro who broke in and it was for a reason: to steal the LexCorp duplicator ray that created him. Bizarro then blasts Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Guy with the ray creating Bizarro versions of themselves, dubbed Batzarro, Bizarra, Cyzarro, and Greenzarro. Bizarro takes his newly formed "Bizarro League" back to Bizarro World, but not before taking a bomb, and freezes the League with his ice vision. After Superman thaws the League with his heat vision, the heroes follow them. As they leave, Lex Luthor discovers that the bomb Bizarro took was a kryptonite bomb he planned to use on Superman.

As the Justice League enters the atmosphere of Bizarro World, their vehicles dismantle. As it turns out, the planet was filled with odd gold rocks which emitted a radiation (dubbed "Weirdiation" by Cyborg) that messed up the powers and technology of anyone who wasn't Kryptonian or a Bizarro being. The radiation renders Wonder Woman powerless and frequently trips her, limits Guy's constructs to chickens and causes Cyborg to fall apart, leaving Superman and Batman as the only unaffected Justice Leaguers. They soon notice the Bizarro League battling Darkseid's forces, who have invaded the planet. After rescuing the Bizarro League from being crushed by Desaad's weaponry, the Justice League learns that Darkseid invaded to steal the gold rocks and harness the "weirdiation" for a weapon that would be used to render Earth's defences (including its heroes) completely useless. The Justice League team up with the Bizarro League to take on Darkseid's forces.

As Superman battles Darkseid, Bizarro uses the kryptonite bomb, believing it will help Superman. Unfortunately, Superman is immediately harmed and put in a coma. Darkseid thanks Bizarro for his 'help', and uses the Weirdiation rocks to attack Earth, succeeding in turning the Moon into a cube. However, Hawkman manages to shield the Earth from the Weirdiation ray. Back on Bizarro World, a dying Superman tells the two Leagues to use the Gold Rocks to overload Darkseids weapon, which works. Darkseid and his remaining minions escapes via a Boom-Tube. However, both teams mourn over the loss of Superman and Batman finally sees the good in Superman. However, Bizarro states that Superman will live and uses his vortex breath to absorb the kryptonite radiation and save Superman. Waking up from his coma, Superman finally embraces Bizarro and now considers him his twin brother. The Bizarro League then help the Justice League get home, but not before they rebuild what they can of Bizarro World.

Back on Earth, Lex is seen looking at a cell with a shapeshifting alien inside. He states that even though the Justice League survived Bizarro World, they cannot hope to survive "Operation Doom."

2. “Justice League - Attack of the Legion of Doom” August 25, 2015 Rick Morales
•Khary Payton as Victor Stone / Cyborg, Cy-Bot
•Troy Baker as Bruce Wayne / Batman
•Dee Bradley Baker as J'onn J'onzz / John Jones / Martian Manhunter, Man-Bat
•John DiMaggio as Lex Luthor, Joker
•Grey Griffin as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman, Lois Lane
•Mark Hamill as Trickster, Sinestro
•Josh Keaton as Hal Jordan / Green Lantern
•Tom Kenny as Penguin
•Nolan North as Kal-El / Clark Kent / Superman
•Kevin Michael Richardson as Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, Black Manta
•Cree Summer as Cheetah
•James Arnold Taylor as Barry Allen / Flash, General Sam Lane
•Tony Todd as Uxas / Darkseid
After the Justice League's time stopping criminals, three supervillains, Lex Luthor, Sinestro, and Black Manta discuss (while sulking) what they have learned about this team of heroes. Then, Lex suggests they should band together and form a team of their own (which he dubs "The Legion of Doom"). Meanwhile, Darkseid is shown to have defeated the Justice League with Cyborg being the sole exception. Cyborg manages to defeat Darkseid and save the League. Unfortunately, this turns out to be a dream Cyborg was having. Cyborg wakes up just in time for the elections for the leader of the Justice League (which is announced by Superman). Batman wins the election, 3-1, Cyborg; Batman; and Superman voting for him. Superman gets one vote from Wonder Woman—Green Lantern and Flash writing her in.

Somewhere in a swamp, Lex Luthor, Sinestro, and Black Manta hold up an audition by using an obstacle course to determine who will get to join the Legion of Doom; the contestants consists of Joker, Man-Bat, Penguin, Cheetah, Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, Deathstroke, and Giganta. Giganta is rejected for her massive size; Deathstroke is rejected for literally destroying the course as well as Lex overhearing Sinestro and Black Manta commenting that Deathstroke should lead the Legion of Doom; and Joker, Penguin, and Man-Bat are rejected because the property that the Hall of Doom is on doesn't have enough parking spaces.

After triggering a stink bomb in a recent battle with Trickster, Cyborg begins to doubt his worth on the Justice League, who is forced to wear new outfits as a result to the bomb's detonation. Quickly, the Justice League becomes aware of the Legion of Doom and their plans to rob Area 52 (described by Luthor as the New 52 created to replace the old Area 51). The Justice League battles the Legion of Doom. Darkseid manages to use a Father Box to teleport Lex into a vault containing what he was after. The Legion of Doom escapes with a cell containing a specific alien prisoner. After opening it, the alien inmate is revealed to be a Martian named J'onn J'onnz who Lex plans to use against the Justice League. He tells J'onn that the Legion of Doom are heroes and the Justice League is evil.

Back at the Hall of Justice, Cyborg begins to question what he should do to be a better member. After a misconception from Wonder Woman, Cyborg gives himself excessive weapons. As he walks along the Hall of Justice, he appears to notice two Batmen. As it turns out, one of them was J'onn who hacks the Hall of Justice computer to create a false mission alert about the Metropolis power station where its prototype Nuketron reactor core preparing for destruction.

When the Justice League arrive at the power station, Cyborg sees that the station seems perfectly safe while the rest of the League can see the danger. This is because J'onn used his telepathy to make the fake mission alert look as real as possible as they evacuate Lois Lane and the workers alongside stopping other "problems" to the power plant. After the League launch the Nuketron reactor core into space, they immediately realize the only damage present is the damage they caused and the public turns against them for destroying the power station. The United Nations tribunal and General Sam Lane sentence the Justice League to be banished into space.

This, however, turns out to be Lex's plan all along and the Legion of Doom then begin to divide which parts of the world they will control. This results in J'onn questioning the affiliation of the Legion of Doom. While disguised as Black Manta, he soon finds out that Lex plans to dispose of him once his usefulness expires. In space, Sinestro uses the Father Box to send the Justice League to a black hole and Cyborg is destroyed in the process. Batman realizes that it wasn't Cyborg, but rather Cyborg's robot assistant Cy-Bot.

The real Cyborg is still in the Hall of Justice trying to find out why the Justice League saw the power station in danger while he didn't. He soon finds the microchip J'onn used to hack the computer, but Sinestro finds Cyborg and battles him. Just when it seems like Sinestro gained the upper hand, J'onn arrives and uses his telepathy to control him. J'onn explains how the Legion tricked him and how he tricked the Justice League into turning themselves against the public and that his telepathy was ineffective on inorganic beings, explaining why it didn't work on Cyborg, whose brain was half-machine. J'onn sides with Cyborg and has Sinestro bring back the rest of the Justice League.

As the Legion of Doom attacks the city, the Justice League split up to battle them one by one. The Legion of Doom is defeated and the Justice League are cleared of all charges. J'onn apologizes for deceiving the Justice League, but he is quickly forgiven and offered membership for the work as a true hero he performed with the Justice League. He gladly accepts and adopts the name "Martian Manhunter" after a compliment from Cyborg. When Sam Lane objects to the Justice League being forgiven for what they were tricked into doing, Martian Manhunter mind-controls Sam Lane to dance to the music that was playing.

Meanwhile, in prison, Lex tries to get Darkseid to break him out of prison. Darkseid refuses due to Lex's failure. As soon as he hangs up on Lex, Darkseid decides that if he wants to conquer the Earth, he will need help from an otherworldly being.

3. “Justice League - Cosmic Clash” March 1, 2016 Rick Morales
•Troy Baker as Bruce Wayne / Batman
•Nolan North as Kal-El/Clark Kent / Superman
•Grey Griffin as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
•Jessica DiCicco as Kara Zor-El / Supergirl
•Josh Keaton as Hal Jordan / Green Lantern
•Phil LaMarr as Brainiac
•Yuri Lowenthal as Cosmic Boy
•Andy Milder as Lightning Lad
•Phil Morris as Vandal Savage
•Khary Payton as Victor Stone / Cyborgv •Jason Spisak as Captain Fear
James Arnold Taylor as Barry Allen / Flash
•Kari Wahlgren as Saturn Girl
The cyborg alien Brainiac goes to Earth, intending to shrink it and add it to his collection of miniature planets. However, when he arrives, the Justice League easily drives him away from the planet. Brainiac then formulates a new plan to obtain Earth, which he puts into action shortly thereafter: when the Justice League members Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Superman attempt to stop him again, he sends each of them to a different time period. Batman and the Flash then construct a time machine called the Cosmic Treadmill, allowing the two to travel throughout time and rescue their teammates. After the two leave, Brainiac begins attacking the planet; Cyborg then calls in Supergirl to help him defend the city.

Batman and the Flash first travel to the Stone Age, where Wonder Woman has been placed. While the Flash stays behind to power the machine and keep it in the time period that it is in, as the machine is powered by the Flash running on it, Batman goes to rescue Wonder Woman. Shortly afterwards, Batman encounters Vandal Savage and both are captured and taken to a tribe of cave dwellers, which Wonder Woman is revealed to be in charge of. Batman discovers that Wonder Woman lost her memories as a result of her time travel, such that she now believes herself to be the queen of the cave dwellers. Batman then challenges her to fight. In the fight, he manages to obtain Wonder Woman's lasso of truth, which he uses to restore her memories. After her memories are restored, she is teleported to the present to stabilize the time stream.

Batman then rejoins the Flash and travels to 1741, where Green Lantern has become convinced that he is a deckhand on a pirate ship under control of "Captain Fear"; Batman restores Green Lantern's memories with his power ring, causing Green Lantern to return to the present.

Batman and the Flash travel to the future to rescue Superman, but they are attacked by Superman, who is being mind-controlled by a future Brainiac. During the attack, Superman partially destroys the treadmill, sending the Flash back to the present. Batman is then saved by a future superhero group called the Resistance made up of Legion of Super-Heroes members Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, and Saturn Girl. This group helps him evade Superman and travel to the Batcave, where both of them engage in a fight; Batman, rather than using Kryptonite, instead uses concentrated yellow sunlight enough to melt down Brainiac and power up Superman, restoring his mind and teleporting him to the present, unfortunately leaving Batman behind.

In the present, the Justice League (minus Batman) battles Brainiac's forces until Brainiac, who has finished studying the planet, decides to shrink the planet; he successfully shrinks the planet and places it in a bottle. Batman then arrives from the future with a piece of technology that the Resistance gave him. Cyborg reveals that he has built aerial vehicles for the Justice League, which they use to remove the bottle cap from the inside and escape the bottle. While most of the Justice League battles Brainiac, Batman sneaks inside of Brainiac's head and reconfigures his shrink ray to turn it into a growth ray; Brainiac then accidentally enlarges the Earth and the Justice League to their normal sizes. The Justice League then pacifies and imprisons Brainiac, after which its members celebrate their victory.

4. “Justice League - Gotham City Breakout” July 12, 2016 Matt Peters
•Troy Baker as Bruce Wayne / Batman
•Eric Bauza as Bane, Commissioner Gordon
•Greg Cipes as Garfield Logan / Beast Boy
•John DiMaggio as Deathstroke, Scarecrowv •Will Friedle as Nightwing / Dick Grayson
•Grey Griffin as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
•Amy Hill as Madame Mantis
•Sarah Hyland as Batgirlv •Vanessa Marshall as Poison Ivy
•Scott Menville as Robin / Damian Wayne
•Nolan North as Kal-El/Clark Kent / Superman •Tom Kenny as Penguin
•Khary Payton as Victor Stone / Cyborg
•Jason Spisak as Joker, Grungle
•Tara Strong as Harley Quinn
•Hynden Walch as Koriand'r / Starfire
Batman and Robin chase Penguin and Harley Quinn. After Harley and Poison Ivy are defeated, Batman leaves Robin with the defeated criminals and chases after a criminal who resembles a ninja. After cornering the criminal in an alleyway, Batman is able to deduce that the criminal is Nightwing who used the ninja costume to try and lure Batman into a surprise birthday party which disappoints Nightwing along with the other attendees of Batman's party (consisting of Robin, Batgirl, Justice League members Superman, Wonder Woman, and Cyborg, and Teen Titans members Beast Boy and Starfire). Batgirl, Robin and Nightwing reveal that as a present for Batman, they decided to take him on vacation. Superman is willing to serve as a temporary replacement of Batman, believing the criminals of Gotham would not be hard to defeat due to many of them lacking superpowers. The Justice League and Teen Titans are able to convince Batman to accept the vacation and Batman, Nightwing and Batgirl leave to their holiday plans. Robin stays behind to show Superman the ropes and give him advice on Gotham's villains.

Meanwhile, at Arkham Asylum, Joker uses a spoon (which he drew a face on and calls "Spoony") to dig himself out of his cell. Elsewhere, Batman easily figures out Nightwing and Batgirl's vacation plans for him, to take him down Memory Lane by having him visit the dojo of his former martial arts sensei Madame Mantis. After a brief reunion battle with his former sensei, Batman discovers it was actually a disguised minion of Deathstroke. Batman, Batgirl, and Nightwing then find Deathstroke and follow him into a cave.

Meanwhile, in Gotham City, Superman finds out about Joker's escape and ignores Robin's warning about him. Unfortunately, this allows Joker to trick Superman into freeing Harley Quinn, Penguin, Poison Ivy and Scarecrow from Arkham. Superman calls Cyborg in hopes of gaining assistance to stop the escaped villains.

Batman, Nightwing, and Batgirl end up falling down a waterfall in the cave. Batman explains his past with Deathstroke. At the bottom of the waterfall, Batman, Nightwing, and Batgirl discover an underground kingdom of Trogowogs (a hidden underground race of short, green humanoids). The primitive (yet optimistic, prim and proper) residents immediately attack Batman, who ultimately surrenders to Deathstroke when the latter threatens to kill Nightwing and Batgirl. They are then introduced to the Trogowog leader who turns out to be Bane, who gained his position with the use of a pink crystal known as the Psyche Stone.

Back in Gotham City, Superman and Cyborg are easily defeated by Poison Ivy. Superman reluctantly summons Wonder Woman, but Poison Ivy is able to coat all three of them in her pheromones to stun them. By the time the effect wears off, they have been taken to Joker's funhouse where all the escaped villains are present and Scarecrow is able to douse the Justice Leaguers with fear gas, making them cowardly enough for the villains to torment them long enough to put them in molten Kryptonite and more pheromones to boil them into soup. Robin notices this and goes to save the Justice League.

Back in the Trogowog kingdom, Batman, Nightwing and Batgirl are held in the dungeon, stripped of their utility belts and imprisoned with Madame Mantis and the Trogowogs' cowardly prince Grungle (the only Trogowog not to fall victim of the Psyche Stone). Prince Grungle reveals that the Trogowogs were once a peaceful and friendly race until Bane found out about their kingdom and used the Psyche Stone to teach them hatred and violence. In addition, he killed Grungle's father and locked away Grungle. Luckily for the prisoners, Batman stashed away a brick separator and uses it to break them free. Unfortunately, they are recaptured after Bane threatens to kill them and Batman reluctantly succumbs to the Psyche Stone's power (while repeatedly saying "Dance") and reveals how to use the "Forbidden Move," which involves harnessing one's own chi to create a projectile of destructive power.

Back in Gotham City, Robin is able to save the captive Justice League members and they shake off the pheromones. Robin and the Justice League then leave the amusement park, causing the villains to believe that Gotham City is now defenseless and theirs for the taking. Superman apologizes for ignoring Robin's warnings and Robin teaches the Justice League the skills they need to defeat the villains.

In Gotham City, Scarecrow, Penguin, and Poison Ivy are defeated by Robin and the Justice League and are put back in Arkham Asylum. Joker and Harley Quinn have managed to tie Commissioner James Gordon to the Bat-Signal until the Justice League arrive, free Commissioner Gordon, and send Joker and Harley back to Arkham as well as confiscate "Spoony" so that Joker can't dig his way out again. Joker ends up having to eat the asylum food with his hands.

In the Trogowog kingdom, Bane is locked in the dungeon, Prince Grungle is made the new king, and Deathstroke bids farewell to Batman (although he states that the team-up didn't mean they were friends). Batman, Nightwing, and Batgirl use the Psyche Stone to erase the Forbidden Move from the Trogowogs memories and restore them to their normal, peaceful and friendly selves. They then leave back to Gotham and say their goodbyes.

Back in the Batcave, The Justice League and Teen Titans discuss not to mention any of the events that happened while Batman was gone. When Batman, Batgirl and Nightwing do return, Superman confesses. To his surprise, Batman actually congratulates him, Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Robin for putting them back in Arkham. The Justice League and Teen Titans then continue their party.

2020. “Lego DC - Shazam! - Magic and Monsters” June 16, 2020 Matt Peters
•Sean Astin as Shazam
•Zach Callison as Billy Batson, Jimmy Olsen
•Troy Baker as Batman / Bruce Wayne, Carmine Falcone
•Nolan North as Superman / Clark Kent, Alfred Pennyworth
•Grey Griffin as Wonder Woman, Lois Lane
•Cristina Milizia as Green Lantern / Jessica Cruz
•James Arnold Taylor as The Flash, Dummy
•Imari Williams as Black Adam / Teth-Adam
•Fred Tatasciore as Lobo, Oom
•Ralph Garman as Wizard
•Dee Bradley Baker as Jeepers, Dr. Sivana, Crocodile-Man
•Jennifer Hale as Mary Batson, L.N. Ambassador
•Tom Kenny as Penguin, Perry White
•Jonny Rees as Mr. Mind
•Erica Lindbeck as Greeter, Farmer
•Josh Keaton as Executive, Terrance
A hero known as Shazam has made his debut and is attracting the attention of the media for his sudden arrival and polite mannerisms. Unbeknownst to the public, he is actually a young orphan boy named Billy Batson. Superman is ordered to do a report on the farm market of Metropolis when he encounters the Monster Society of Evil when they attempt to steal food for their master Mister Mind, though he eventually calls upon Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Green Lantern for help. Witnessing this, Shazam decides to aid the Justice League, demonstrating his powers to them in the process and forcing the Monster Society to retreat. Impressed by Shazam's capabilities, the League invite him to the Hall of Justice where they offer Shazam membership. Shazam dismisses their offer, believing that they will reject him if they discover his true age.

Consulting The Wizard who gave him his powers for advice, Shazam is told that relationships are built on trust and that he should be more open to the Justice League. Sensing a disturbance, the Wizard then tells Shazam to go help the Justice League when they follow the Monster Society to their warehouse hideout, which Shazam agrees to do.

Unfortunately, Mister Mind manages to capture the Justice League and, using a chemical concocted by Doctor Sivana, transforms them into children, making them more susceptible to his mind control. Although de-aged, Batman manages to avoid being mind-controlled and escapes to the Batcave with Shazam's help. Learning that Batman is reluctant to trust him, Shazam reveals his secret identity to Batman while also recounting his origin story to him: After aiding Batman in a duel with Two-Face, Billy Batson continued to go about his daily routine, while also generously helping out others in need (whom, unbeknownst to him, are the Wizard in disguise). Billy is eventually led into a subway station, where he boards a bizarre-looking train that takes him to the Rock of Eternity, where he meets the wizard in person. The wizard explains that he disguised himself as ordinary citizens to test Billy's purity of heart and see if he was worthy of becoming his new champion after the previous champion, Black Adam, became corrupted by his power and was sealed away. Accepting the Wizard's offer, Billy is gifted his new powers and proceeds to spend his days as Shazam, while also enjoying the perks of being an adult. Billy then explains that despite everything, he still longs for a family of his own. Relating to Billy's status as an orphan, Batman reveals his secret identity to Billy and explains that he too is an orphan and becomes more trusting of Billy.

Across the world, the mind-controlled Justice Leaguers proceed to steal large quantities of food for Mister Mind, but one by one they are located by Batman and Shazam and freed from Mister Mind's control. Reunited, the Justice League devise a plan to infiltrate the Monster Society's lair by pretending to capture Batman and Shazam and bring them to Mister Mind. Unfortunately, they are swiftly exposed and forced to fight their way to Mister Mind, ultimately defeating the Monster Society. When Shazam and the Justice League encounter Mister Mind, they discover that he has undergone metamorphosis and grown into a giant moth.

The group attempt to escape to the Rock of Eternity to gain help from the Wizard, but Mister Mind follows them and proceeds to devour the Rock, resulting in him increasing in size and freeing Black Adam from his imprisonment. Black Adam betrays Mister Mind by using his powers to reduce Mister Mind to his caterpillar form and send him hurtling through space.

Seeking vengeance against the Wizard, Black Adam attacks the Rock and the Justice League is overwhelmed by him. The Wizard attempts to hold Black Adam back long enough for Shazam and the Justice League to escape back to Earth, while reminding Shazam about the power of Zeus. Returning to Earth, knowing Black Adam will be coming for them, the Justice League make preparations and rebuild their vehicles to account for their reduced stature.

Arriving on Earth, Black Adam announces his intentions to rule over it with an iron fist. The Justice League and Shazam arrive and face him, but he still proves to be too much for them to handle and destroys their vehicles. Remembering the Wizard's advice and how Black Adam was able to depower Mr Mind, Shazam shares his power among the Justice League, enhancing their abilities and returning them to their normal age, while revealing his secret identity to them in the process. The Justice Leaguers are not upset by Billy's true age and tell him that the age of a hero doesn't matter as long as they do the right thing. Using their enhanced abilities, the Justice League is able to defeat Black Adam. Billy then reabsorbs his powers from the League and Black Adam, restoring his Shazam powers, while Black Adam's powers are taken in the process, reducing him to a mortal man.

With Black Adam arrested and their adulthood restored, the Justice League show their gratitude by reuniting Billy with his sister Mary and their Uncle Dudley.

In a mid-credit scene, Lobo manages to apprehend Mister Mind and plans to collect a $1,000,000,000,000 bounty placed on his head, much to Mister Mind's dismay.