Day 7

5th October 2016

Today we are setting off to find Droitwich so that we can catch up with Sue and Vern (and hopefully Uncle John too). David put the address into the Sat Nav and off we went.

We were trying to avoid toll roads, and ended going around a few roundabouts two or three times trying to avoid them!!! It was really quite funny, but we did manage to find our way in the end. The roads are soooooo busy and congested with so many very large semis and trucks, I don't think I am game enough to have a drive, but John did very well and we found our way to Sue and Vern's house.

It felt so good to be able to give them all a hug - Uncle John was there, it was just an amazing feeling to see them after 45+ years.

We talked and talked and talked (no wonder John has lost his voice a few times!!) and Vern gave John a small parcel containing his Dad's war medals. Sue & Vern had very kindly applied to the Defence Dept on John's behalf to see if they could get his Dad's war medals, it was very emotional for John to receive them and it is a treasure that he has been thinking about for a long time.

We had a wonderful and very enjoyable day, the years melted away as we caught up on our lives. Love these people so much!!!!

We left for home about 6.00 pm (it was still light!) and made our way home. It was a much better journey and we only went around 1 roundabout twice - what a victory!!!

We had a light tea of cheese and biccies with radishes, spring onions etc and then went off to bed feeling very tired. It was really a very good day.

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