Day 4

2nd October 2016

We woke up at about 6.30 am and got up for a coffee. It is amazing that we just can't hear any noise anywhere, we're not used to that!!!

David was awake, so he got up and joined us and we sat and had breakfast looking out at the beautiful day. It is sunny, but crispy cool and the deer are running all around us. The large stags are at the top of the hill and there are a number of them, so we will probably see some posturing as they get into the day.

John saw a squirrel climbing into a tree outside, and we saw two foxes playing and being chased by the deer. There are little rabbits everywhere and we can see their burrows in the hill opposite. It is the most beautiful and surreal site I could ever have imagine - I could peacefully live here for the rest of my life, waking up to this unobstructed view each day - just perfect.

Drove to Alison & Andrew's to spend the rest of the day with them and Joseph & Monika. We enjoyed some champagne and snacks and then sat down for "Christmas" dinner:

Roast Duck with chipolatas wrapped in bacon

Crunchy roasted potatoes

Roasted parsnips

Cauliflower Cheese

Red Cabbage

Mixture of peas, broccolini, beans

Bread sauce and cranberry sauce

Delicious bowls of gravy

All of this deliciousness was followed by:

Plum pudding - fully alight


Lemon tart

Coffee Creme Brulee with nut brittle

All washed down with lots of fun and laughter, plenty of wine, coffee & tea. It was a beautiful day and we left about 6.30 pm feeling comfortably full, tired and happy. David drove us home in our Vauxhall Insignia diesel to Silvertrees.

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