Day 20

18th October 2016

These days are flying past, we try not to talk about leaving, but sometimes we just have to and it's making it all go too fast. We started the day a bit later than usual with a big sleep in after and huge day yesterday. We got up and showered and had breakfast of cornflakes and crumpets with butter and marmalade, and decided to visit Tesco's to get a bit of lunch and salad stuff for tea.

On the way to Tesco's we called in to the Rugeley Police Station to say hello and greetings from Australia and we gave a brief run-down of our duties as Justices of the Peace, especially our work at the Magistrates Court where we are part of a team of JP's who serve the community on a voluntary basis by witnessing various documents for the general public and the local police. We had a number of items that we had brought with us given to us by a couple of our lovely local Police who were hoping that we might be able to swap these for some British Police patches or badges, but as it is only a small rural station they didn't have much for us. They were disappointed as they would have liked a bit of a swap, but I did leave them some patches and remembrance ribbons and they gave me some cards and a dvd. It was lovely to have a chat with them and they said we should try one of the larger stations in Stafford as they may have some uniforms they could raid for a badge or two!!

After the shopping was put away, we set about getting a load of washing done. We have to keep it down or we run out of clothes!!!! We fed the deer and there seemed to be so many more than usual. Perhaps the word has got around that there's free food at Stag's View Lodge! We have been watching the deer a fair bit today as they seem very restless and the big "Daddy" stag is bellowing at his very best. The younger bucks are really having a tussle with each other as they head butt and chase each other all over the place. This Rutting Season is certainly a busy time. One of the big stags came down for a feed, so they seemed happy after that and have seated themselves all over the hill opposite in various states of repose. Gorgeous!!!

We cooked crumbed cod with chips, salad (I had rice) for tea with a very nice bottle of Mateus Rose (thanks Aunty Janet!!) and after sitting at the table for what seemed like ages, John got the washing up done and we have settled down for the evening. So it's goodnight for now.

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