Day 2

30th September 2016

We boarded our next flight (Lufthansa A380 Airbus) sometime after midnight and settled into the seats for the long flight ahead.

Just after take-off, we were served a snack of pretzels and drinks and then a very nice dinner:

Starter: Salmon on cucumber and cream with olives

Dinner: Chicken breast in apricot gravy with mashed potatoes and beans and carrots, with bread rolls and butter.

Dessert: Apricot cake with a custardy cream.

We then had a very long flight so we tried to rest as much as we could as most of the plane lights had been turned out.

We were still travelling on Brisbane time, so it was about 4.30 am when breakfast was served prior to our next landing.

Eggs and fruit made into a hot slice with blackberry coulis

Strawberry Yoghurt (Premium Swiss)

Bread rolls with jams and Laughing Cow spreadable cheese


We landed at Frankfurt Airport at approx. 6.15 am and were whisked away by airport staff to our next plane (Lufthansa) as they told us it was loaded and waiting for us to board. We were supposed to have wheelchairs, but they put us into an electric cart and then a bus and took us to a waiting area where we were then called to board another crowded bus and were taken out to the waiting plane. We struggled up the stairs and were seated for takeoff to Birmingham.

It had really taken it's toll on us at this stage as we were tired and finding it difficult to walk or move, so I did make mention to the stewardess that we were not brought on board by wheelchairs as we were supposed to be, she apologized, and said that we should have been cared for a little better.

We arrived at Birmingham airport - oh what a beautiful sight from the air - at approx. 8.15 am and John (being very tired and sore) fell over on trying to stand. The staff immediately got into action and got wheelchairs arranged for us and we were whisked quickly through customs and into the waiting arms of Alison and Andrew.

We enjoyed a beautiful drive from the airport to Alison and Andrew's home in a spotless "people mover" driven by a friend, what a great way to start our stay in England, as we all arrived very tired but quite relaxed and so happy. We had lunch (or breakfast, not sure what the time was) and it was so yummy and delicious made by Alison and Andrew and we were able to sit and chat for a little while, until Alison thought we should be on our way to Silvertrees Holiday Park.

We arrived at Stag Lodge in the early afternoon, and couldn't believe our eyes. It was amazing, no pictures or brochures could have done what we were experiencing, justice as it was so lovely. The Lodge was spotlessly clean, had every amenity we could have desired (2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms) and deer wandering around outside.

We unpacked our luggage had a short sit outside in the rocking chairs and enjoyed a welcoming glass of wine and then hit the bed at 4.00 pm and slept through until about 6.00 am.
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