Day 11

9th October 2016

Got up this morning about 7.00 am when we all had showers and then breakfast. David and I had been disturbed in the night as we thought we had heard gun shots. Thinking that there had been a poacher in the forest, we set about counting the deer and searching for the big stags - to our relief, everyone was accounted for and it had only been fireworks being fired off across the road from our holiday park. Trevor, the lovely gentleman who runs Silvertrees Holiday Park is quite adamant that no one would spoil the beautiful set-up he has for the deer and protects it all very carefully.

We set off for Alison and Andrew's house at about 9.45 am as we were meeting up and heading off to church. Church is the most amazing stone building built in 1120a.d. with huge stained glass windows. It is quaint and historical and an honour to have been able to worship there this morning with the folk from the village. After coffee/tea and biscuits, we set off to Alison & Andrew's home for a short while.

We left about 12.50 pm and set off then on a short country lane drive to the Yorkshireman Pub for our Sunday lunch. We were very surprised and delighted to be met by Samuel and his lovely girlfriend Alice. We all enjoyed a fantastic (and huge!!) lunch of mainly Roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, cauliflower cheese, roasted & mashed potatoes, cabbage and roasted carrots, (John had fish and chips), followed by chocolate brownie with white chocolate sauce and ice-cream, orange marmalade bread and butter pudding and bakewell tart with vanilla ice-cream. All was delicious and our plates were cleaned and accompanied by champagne (Prosecco, lager and coke). Mmmm Mmmmm!!!!!

I think we are way too full now to eat any more for tea, so may just have a little snack of pork pie and hot sausage rolls after we have fed the deer for the last time today.

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