Day 6

4th October 2016

Today we are having a day to find our feet a little bit and get our huge load of washing done at the laundrette. We got up fairly early and enjoyed a lovely breakfast together and then John and I set off to the laundry room and washed 2 large loads of washing. We dried what we could and brought the rest home to the Lodge and hung it on the clothes airer that was provided and we were able to open all the doors, as it was a beautiful day, and the gentle breeze and sunshine dried all of the clothes.

We decided to visit Tescos Supermarket and stock up on some food as we have a fridge and a quite large freezer, so off we went and enjoyed the shopping (which was quite different to our supermarket food!!!), but it was great chatting to the locals and telling them about Australia.

We enjoyed a relaxing afternoon, just looking out over the beautiful landscape that is our daily view and watching and then feeding (by hand) the deer. They are slowly being named, (from their different colours, sizes, antler shapes etc) - the babies are just so cute and they look at us with their massive eyes wanting us to feed them, we are all loving the peace and quiet of nature (no hoons or loud, thumping stereos and screaming neighbourhood kids - we are not missing that at all!!!).

We cooked a big dinner (we have all "mod cons") on the gas stove, and enjoyed a lovely fresh salad with cod, prawns (that was David's anyway) and we had haddock and chips with our salad. It was quite yummy! We are still getting used to being on holidays and the time differences etc, so went to bed about 9.00 pm

Silvertrees Holiday Park       
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