Day 22

20th October 2016

Today I am leaving the men and going off with my beautiful cousin Alison for a "Girls' Day out". Alison picked me up about 11.30 am and off we went on a lovely tour together. We visited Alison's friend Kim who runs the Post Office to drop off her birthday present and then we went to where Alison and Andrew used to live, and where Joseph and Samuel went to school.

The areas were really lovely and the houses were so pretty and more spaced out than the ones we'd seen in Rubery, I could very easily live here. The trees are all turning the most amazing colours of red and yellow and it was a real pleasure to be able to see around the area.

We arrived at our destination, which was a huge surprise as it looked a bit like a housing estate, but surprise, surprise.....just along a winding drive of hedges was hidden the most amazing mansion type house, it was just utterly breathtaking. We had arrived.

We were greeted as we went in for our afternoon tea and seated in a small dining area that was laid out and looking quite stunning. Alison had booked our tea and we had a glass of wine to start, with a lemon sorbet (tart and gorgeous, a bit like me!!!!!hahaha). Next our finger sandwiches arrived, oh my goodness, there was so much variety - chicken, ham, cucumber, salmon with crusts off and neatly cut.

Alison had ordered a tea that came in a little glass pot and smelled delicious, mine was done in a wine glass and it was a flower that when the hot water was added opened up and actually became a pretty flower. It tasted so good.

We then had a little garden of green grass with clay pots full of the most amazing afternoon tea treats. One pot had chocolate mousse with raspberries, another had carrot cake and cream with chocolate soil and real (edible) flowers, and there were little freshly made scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream. This really was so beautiful and enjoyable. The company was just the best and it was so nice to be able to just sit with my cousin and talk like there was no tomorrow - perfect!

We were (when we were able to get up, as we were so full!) able to look around the place. It was just lovely with pictures and photos and ornaments from another time. Thank you Alison for the most amazing day...love you heaps.

Silvertrees Holiday Park       
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